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Messages - conrad from spain

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General / Re: The Global Warming Hoax
« on: December 09, 2009, 04:59:16 PM »
Merry Christmas and spread the word!! Here in Spain, climategate is pretty much covered up in the news here.
(youtube imbedding still doesn't work?)


Funny animated video about climategate with a nice cold snowy theme for all the warming bullshitters...

General / Re: The anti FTL show?
« on: August 31, 2009, 04:47:58 PM »
what about the young Turks? anyone ever listen to them?

I used to watch their show. Just like any leftists, pretty good on Civil Rights issues, pretty damn shitty about economic issues. According to Cenk, everyone with a D next to his or her name is good, everyone else is crazy.

TYT are pretty good about entertainment and public interest stories though.

6 out of 10

General / Re: The anti FTL show?
« on: August 30, 2009, 05:08:42 PM »
Try Fox News, CNN or any damn thing you can find on TV is pretty much anti-freedom..

General / Re: Mandatory Circumcision (a.k.a. Penis Tax)
« on: August 28, 2009, 07:29:29 PM »
Well, here in Spain most men are uncircumsized.. and after having been with many Spanish women, they have told me that my uncircumsized penis smells and tastes better.. (NO LIE)

I think that when you're uncircumsized, more piss stays on your dick and dries and leaves residue. More than one girl has told me this. I don't have any personally acquired empirical evidence but it makes sense to me.

However I didn't circumsize my son. He can decide for himself and his future girlfriends (or boyfriends?) will have to live with his decision.

Gun manufacturers?

General / Re: Smelly Cat
« on: August 13, 2009, 01:49:30 PM »
Thanks for the comments. The cat genie would be perfect, but it's not available with European voltage. I emailed them and they confirmed it. It would solve the problem though.

Don't worry, I'm not going to kill the cat.. Even though I want to..

How about one of those legal brothels in Las Vegas?

General / Re: Smelly Cat
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:32:42 AM »
Give it a bath.

Otherwise, you suck as a human.

Both for wanting to kill a cat and not having the balls to discuss it with your girlfriend.

I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE IT A BATH. I ain't doin' shit for that cat.. And yes I DO have the balls to talk about it with her. Her dead grandfather gave her that cat and she loves it dearly. The cat stays until it's dead.

Notwithstanding her undying love for it, she doesn't take care of it very well. She doesn't clean the cat box very often and the damn cat lets her know by taking a shit in the entrance way so it's the first thing you see/smell as you walk in. I'm pretty damn sure he has sprayed that whole damn house but she's so used to it that she doesn't know it. Then she calls me stuck up for not wanting to go to her house..  I try to be clever and invite her to stay at my house, thus perpetuating the neglected cat situation because she's at my house and not home to take care of the cat. The cat gets jealous and attacks her because she's never there! What a nightmare!


Take a shit in the entry way to her place.  When she complains.  Tell her that that is the way that her cat makes you feel.

There's an idea!! I'll get back to you to let you know about her reaction.. What's your prediction?

General / Re: December 21, 2012
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:28:17 AM »
I'm gonna do my best to drink myself to death before then just in case.

« on: August 12, 2009, 07:11:03 AM »
Let them post. I love spam..

What if one day you need some viagra?? it could happen! And then you would know where to buy it cheap. Spam is proof of a free society.

General / Re: I think my sister is a lesbian.
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:08:40 AM »
The point was that men--IN GENERAL-- want sex more, they want more of it, and they want it with more people.

Can we help it if we evolved on a world where there are more women than men?

Hey, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing....but if male sluttiness had evolved along with a greater tolerance for female sluttiness, that might've helped.   :)

'Very rare was it for a man in Venice to say, 'I bear the same name as my father.'" - Giacomo Casanova

Male sluttiness spreads genes around. Female sluttiness endangers the possibility of the partner male's genes surviving to the next generation.

Evolutionary biology sort of freaks me out sometimes.

I think there is a reason that a woman will produce a few hundred eggs in a lifetime, and man will produce several hundred million sperm in a day.

If you think there's a "reason," than you believe in intelligent design.. Which we all know is bullshit..

if women produced millions of eggs.. then humans would probably be as populous as fruit flies..

General / Re: Smelly Cat
« on: August 12, 2009, 04:12:31 AM »
The simpliest solution is the best. tell your girlfriend she has a smelly pussy, and you wont have physical contact untill she cleans it.

She cleans it.. but she spends a day at my house, then we spend a day at her house.. and there the shit is in the door welcoming us when we walk in..

Which brings me to another smelly pussy story..

When we had only been dating one month, she told me that in the vacant lot next to her living room window, a stray cat had died. She tried contacting the owner but they got no response. She then tried contacting the city hall to see if they would clean it up, and as you might guess, they don't get up off their fat asses ever.

She tried the owner again, but no dice..

I must add that she's a squeemish girl who loves cats, and she wasn't capable of cleaning up a dead stray cat. By this time the cat really started to smell and the stench was permeating the house and she was having company that night. I (reluctantly) volunteered to remove the dead cat.. It was horrible!! I jumped out the window with some bags, picked the damn thing up and a 6in diameter ball of maggots fell out!

I happened to have my camera in my pocket and snapped a quick one to share with you all nice folks:

I almost threw up!! If I had been thinking clearer, I would have made a video because you could see all the maggots wiggling.

I eventually bagged the cat and it went to a dumpster and I re-evaluated my love for this girl. She passed the test, but we still have smelly pussy problems.

Kill the cat with mercury. buy a few glass thermometers, and put the mercury in an eyedroopr. when the cat is asleep and your girlfriend isnt looking, drop a drop on its back. the mercury will seep through its skin, and after a few weeks of doing this, it will die.
I think the risk is too high. I'd have to do it repeated times while she is home. And if I got caught, how would I explain the eyedropper with mercury in it?

General / Re: Smelly Cat
« on: August 11, 2009, 07:16:23 PM »

Poisoning with antifreeze is one of the most common poisoning conditions found in cats because ethylene glycol has a sweet taste that appeals to cats and dogs. One teaspoon of antifreeze can kill an average-sized cat. Signs of toxicity, which appear suddenly, are vomiting, uncoordinated gait (seems "drunk"), weakness, stupor and coma. Death can occur in 12 to 36 hours. Convulsions are unusual. Cats that recover from the acute poisoning may have damage to their kidneys and go on to kidney failure.

Now we're getting somewhere.. But how can I leave anti-freeze out without her knowing? And there's no guarantee that the cat will drink the anti-freeze..

General / Re: Smelly Cat
« on: August 11, 2009, 06:24:40 PM »
Give it a bath.

Otherwise, you suck as a human.

Both for wanting to kill a cat and not having the balls to discuss it with your girlfriend.

I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE IT A BATH. I ain't doin' shit for that cat.. And yes I DO have the balls to talk about it with her. Her dead grandfather gave her that cat and she loves it dearly. The cat stays until it's dead.

Notwithstanding her undying love for it, she doesn't take care of it very well. She doesn't clean the cat box very often and the damn cat lets her know by taking a shit in the entrance way so it's the first thing you see/smell as you walk in. I'm pretty damn sure he has sprayed that whole damn house but she's so used to it that she doesn't know it. Then she calls me stuck up for not wanting to go to her house..  I try to be clever and invite her to stay at my house, thus perpetuating the neglected cat situation because she's at my house and not home to take care of the cat. The cat gets jealous and attacks her because she's never there! What a nightmare!

The truth is I DON'T have the balls to kill it.. Nor would I risk losing her because, eventually every dirty deed is uncovered. There is no perfect crime. I just ask for entertainment/educational purposes.. I can fantasize can't I???

Oh.. and even if i don't kill the cat.. I agree, I suck as a human being. No arguments there.

Can anyone at least give me some ideas of cheap stuff I can buy in a pharmacy and put it in his food?? Or maybe some kind of injection?? Any experience with this.. Just for entertainment purposes..

General / Re: Smelly Cat
« on: August 11, 2009, 05:51:04 PM »
She loves the cat. I need it to die when I'm not there and and leave no trace that it was me. It's already 8 years old and I can't wait 3 more years. Then we can move on as a couple.

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