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Free Talk Live => The Show => Topic started by: LaZebra on March 26, 2012, 10:16:59 AM

Title: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: LaZebra on March 26, 2012, 10:16:59 AM
I was listening to the FTL show this weekend and heard your hosts commenting on the Republican nomination process and on Ron Paul's chances. I'm sorry, but I've never heard such delusional thinking. Ron Paul has no chance whatsoever of winning the Republican nomination, and he would have even less if somehow he were matched up against Barack Obama.

You folks should check out Ron Paul's favorability and unfavorability ratings. A solid majority of Republicans dislikes the guy. Little things like blaming America for 9/11, advocating a weak defense policy, standing up for Iran, and criticizing Israel are all things that most Republicans could never stomach. It was almost humorous when you ruled out Newt Gingrich for the nomination and said it's down to Romney, Santorum, and Paul. Again, check the numbers! Gingrich has more than twice the number of delegates that Paul has.

Then, the host said that Paul "by far" would be the strongest GOP candidate against Obama because, "He would win ALL of the Republicans, most of the Independents, and some of the Democrats". Again, it is delusional to think Dr. Paul would win all of the Republicans. I am a longtime loyal Republican and I would never vote for Ron Paul, based on his Israel/Iran policies alone.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: alaric89 on March 26, 2012, 10:34:33 AM
No one who voted for Obama would ever vote for Santorum or Romney and they sure as hell wouldn't have voted for Newt, they might have voted for Paul. How many Republicans would vote for Obama over Paul do you think?
Just out of curiosity can you explain why you like to have so many young men die in useless wars?
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Turd Ferguson on March 26, 2012, 11:43:56 AM
Little things like blaming America for 9/11, advocating a weak defense policy, standing up for Iran, and criticizing Israel are all things that most Republicans could never stomach.

I'll agree with you on one thing. Ron Paul has about zero chance to get elected prez, let alone get nominated by the Republican party, which is no suprise considering the ignorance of the average american. Look at where we are as a country and tell me with a straight face that the average american voter has ever made wise choices when it comes to voting. I should add that I dont really believe voting is going to change anything anyway, even if Ron Paul were elected prez, but since we're playing the game, I might as well play along for the sake of argument.

Kudos to you for parroting the talking points of the GOP as well, which are based entirely on bullshit, by the way. You are either ignorant of the facts, or purposely being deceitful on all of your points stated above.

I'll go down the list for you, incase you are just ignorant of the facts, due to no fault of your own.

* Ron Paul blames america for 9/11

No, he blames the foreign policy of policing the world and getting involved in every skirmish that just about every other country on the planet knows is none of their business. This is far different than "blaming america" which implies that he blames you and I for it. Now if you believe that we are are nothing more than a bunch of mindless robots, or bees in a collective hive, then I guess you can make the argument that he blames "america" for 9/11, but I dont see myself  as part of that hive mentality. I have never thought for even a split second that Ron Paul blames ME for what happened. I am an individual, with thoughts of my own and dont need some douchebag politician to tell me otherwise, regardless of his/her political leanings. Once you start thinking of yourself that as part of the hive, you start taking a whole bunch of other peoples bad ideas upon your shoulders, even though you had nothing to do with carrying out those bad ideas yourself. Bad move, friend.

* Ron Paul advocates a weak defense policy.

Wrong again. What he advocates is a strong defensive policy, which is far different than going around the world throwing your weight around telling everyone how to live. If you have strong defenses, there is little to worry about. If you spread your military all over the planet, there is no way to protect your own country. Imagine you lived in a bad neighborhood, full of crack heads and psychopaths all around you. Seems to me, what you are advocating is leaving your house unattended with your kids home alone, while you go running around the neighborhood going door to door bringing justice down on each and every bad seed you can find like a vigilante. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense does it? But thats exactly what the US military is doing on a giant scale.

*Ron Paul criticizes Israel

Bullshit. He is actually the only one who defends Israel's right to defend themselves without asking "us" for permission to do so. In 1981 Ron Paul was one of only four congressmen to vote in Israel's favor allowing them to bomb a nuclear reactor in Iraq. Four guys out of 535 voted for Israels right to protect themselves. Seems to me its the other 531 who are "anti-Israel", but you dont bring that fact up in your talking points, do ya?

After typing this, I almost feel stupid wasting my time, because after doing so, its glaringly obvious you are just being a dick, spreading disinformation about a guy that scares you because he wants to legalize weed and take your welfare check away from you.

Shame on me.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: SeanD on March 26, 2012, 12:09:44 PM
I was listening to the FTL show this weekend and heard your hosts commenting on the Republican nomination process and on Ron Paul's chances. I'm sorry, but I've never heard such delusional thinking. Ron Paul has no chance whatsoever of winning the Republican nomination, and he would have even less if somehow he were matched up against Barack Obama.

You folks should check out Ron Paul's favorability and unfavorability ratings. A solid majority of Republicans dislikes the guy. Because he votes as HE feels is the most ethical and Constitutional NOT necessarily how the Party wants him to.  Little things like blaming America for 9/11, NO he knows the Blowback theory put forward by the CIA in 195fucking3 has proven to be true. advocating a weak defense policy,  Wrong just wants to stop fighting 7 simultaneous undeclared wars. Do not send soldiers overseas unless and until Congress formally declares war.  Hasn't happened since the end of WWII. standing up for Iran,  Once again he is against the US playing Team America World Police Durka Durka Durka. and criticizing Israel  Actually he said that Israel doesn't need our help days after Netenyahu (ever hear of him - the Israeli PM? said the same thing in an address to Congress. are all things that most Republicans could never stomach. It was almost humorous when you ruled out Newt Gingrich for the nomination and said it's down to Romney, Santorum, and Paul. Again, check the numbers! Gingrich has more than twice the number of delegates that Paul has.  Wait and see what happens when caucus delegate numbers become official.  Mitt may have won the straw poll part of the caucuses but Paul's people got a lot more of the delegate spots than the official numbers show.

Then, the host said that Paul "by far" would be the strongest GOP candidate against Obama because, "He would win ALL of the Republicans, most of the Independents, and some of the Democrats". Again, it is delusional to think Dr. Paul would win all of the Republicans. I am a longtime loyal Republican and I would never vote for Ron Paul, based on his Israel/Iran policies alone.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: dalebert on March 26, 2012, 12:48:07 PM
Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - March 20, 2012 (
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Delphi on March 26, 2012, 03:48:31 PM

Wrong. I was going to correct you, but quickmike beat me to it.

As far as who can win, again you have been drinking from the wrong koolaid fountain.

Here is an explanation as to who is winning the delegates game and why the mainstream media is full of horse shit when it comes to Romney being ahead (or how Ron Paul is actually not in last place, but actually second, as will be for the first round of voting during the Convention).

Reality Check - The Real Republican Delegate Numbers
Reality Check - The Real Republican Delegate Numbers (

Notice overall how a second round of voting means hard delegates will be able to vote their conscience (many of these hard delegates will actually love to vote for another candidate instead of the one being shoved down their throats). (Clarification: if it ever gets to a second round, which I highly doubt, but the possibility exists.)

Also, notice that a majority of the 197 unbound delegates, who will vote on the first round are are actually Ron Paul supporters.

So Romney is not ahead with over 400 delegates as the mainstream media will have you believe.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Delphi on March 26, 2012, 04:27:10 PM

advocating a weak defense policy, standing up for Iran

Oh, I forgot. By the above quote you mean you want to continue to bomb innocent people around the world, like these:

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today : Rick Steves (

I wouldn't call that a strong defense, I would call that imperialistic murder.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Turd Ferguson on March 26, 2012, 04:38:27 PM

I wouldn't call that a strong defense, I would call that imperialistic murder.

Silly boy, those people are what they call "collateral damage" and dont count for much, especially cuz they dont look like most of us and are far away in another part of the world. The whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing.  You see, the lines on a map make it ok to kill anyone, as long as we make sure that they are on -----that----->|   side of the imaginary line and not on    | <-----this----- side of the imaginary line.

Besides, haven't you ever heard of the expression "you cant make an omelette without breaking a few eggs"?  Well, those people are the eggs, and we need to make a one huge-assed omelette, so a shit-load of eggs need to be broken.

You do like omelettes, dont you?
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Cognitive Dissident on March 26, 2012, 05:22:01 PM
I was listening to the FTL show this weekend and heard your hosts commenting on the Republican nomination process and on Ron Paul's chances. I'm sorry, but I've never heard such delusional thinking. Ron Paul has no chance whatsoever of winning the Republican nomination, and he would have even less if somehow he were matched up against Barack Obama.

You folks should check out Ron Paul's favorability and unfavorability ratings. A solid majority of Republicans dislikes the guy. Little things like blaming America for 9/11, advocating a weak defense policy, standing up for Iran, and criticizing Israel are all things that most Republicans could never stomach. It was almost humorous when you ruled out Newt Gingrich for the nomination and said it's down to Romney, Santorum, and Paul. Again, check the numbers! Gingrich has more than twice the number of delegates that Paul has.

Then, the host said that Paul "by far" would be the strongest GOP candidate against Obama because, "He would win ALL of the Republicans, most of the Independents, and some of the Democrats". Again, it is delusional to think Dr. Paul would win all of the Republicans. I am a longtime loyal Republican and I would never vote for Ron Paul, based on his Israel/Iran policies alone.

I saw what you did there.

1) Indicating that there *might be a reason* why muslims arabs and persians tend to hate America is not blaming America for 9/11.

2) Advocating a DEFENSIVE defense is not advocating a WEAK defense.

3) "Standing up for to Iran" (see 1)

4) Criticizing Israel when they deserve criticism is, what, Unamerican?

5) Gingrinch rules himself out for the nomination.  The only reason he ran was to make sure Ron Paul gets marginalized.  Those delegates basically came from ONE place, IIRC--the place where they booed a Christ-like foreign policy, in which nations are treated as you would like ours to be treated.

I'm sure there are at least five thousand dozen haters like you, but after they've burned this country to the ground with all that hatred, Republicans are going to remember why they were for limited government, responsible fiscal policy and a national defense that actually DEFENDS.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Fred on March 26, 2012, 05:23:56 PM
Obomb is IN!
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Turd Ferguson on March 26, 2012, 05:29:47 PM
Obomb is IN!

I'd put about 6:1 odds on it.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: The Green Bastard on March 29, 2012, 03:07:44 PM
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: One two three on April 02, 2012, 02:09:06 AM
I was listening to the FTL show this weekend and heard your hosts commenting on the Republican nomination process and on Ron Paul's chances. I'm sorry, but I've never heard such delusional thinking. Ron Paul has no chance whatsoever of winning the Republican nomination

and he would have even less if somehow he were matched up against Barack Obama.
He beats Obama in some of the polls but never tops 36% in the GOP polls do he has substantially better chance at beating Obama, if he were somehow the GOP nominee.

Little things like blaming America for 9/11
He has never done that.

advocating a weak defense policy
Out of the 4 Republicans running, Paul is definitely advocating the strongest defense policy.

It was almost humorous when you ruled out Newt Gingrich for the nomination and said it's down to Romney, Santorum, and Paul.

I have no doubt that if all 4 of them go all the way to the convention, Paul will be 3rd in delegates and Gingrich will be forth.  If for some reason, it make it past 1 vote, there is a chance that Paul will be 2nd.

Again, check the numbers! Gingrich has more than twice the number of delegates that Paul has.

Then, the host said that Paul "by far" would be the strongest GOP candidate against Obama because, "He would win ALL of the Republicans, most of the Independents, and some of the Democrats".

Depending on the poll, Romney or Paul does best against Obama.  Overall, Romney tends to do best against Obama and Paul tends to do 2nd best.  Sometimes, Santorum does 2nd best and Paul does 3rd best.

I am just keeping things factual and real.  It seems like you have an agenda to lie about Paul.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Delphi on May 03, 2012, 11:20:10 PM
According to the main stream media, Mitt Romney has won. If that is the case why is the GOP still trying their best to screw Ron Paul out of delegates? And failing to do so.

Here is Ben Swan, again, with the real numbers. This is the best reporting when it comes to the delegate numbers. He even shows how Real Clear Politics has been reporting, more truthfully, lying about the delegate numbers.

Reality Check: The Truth About Delegate Numbers In Iowa and Minnesota (
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: Twiggy on August 21, 2012, 10:27:25 PM
After reading many of the comments on this subject I figured it was as perfect time as any to go ahead and throw my 2 cents in.
 I agree with the majority of the commenters on here that while Paul would be the best choice for America sadly he has no chance of that. And I believe his biggest handicap is his hardcore supporters. Like it or not, to win an election you have to play the game and the majority of his supporters refuse to accept that. And the biggest part of that game is appealing to middle America and their wants/needs. It has been proven time and time again that not one party can win the election alone no matter who the candidate is. Obama didnt win the 08 election solely off the votes of democrats but more of bringing in the independent/undecided and many republicans. So who do we normally see out pushing the Ron Paul ticket? Well, most of the time, I'm not saying this to demean anyone, but its the "outsiders", the "hippies" the conspiracy theorist, the occupy crowd.  That is not going to win over voters in the small southern towns or the midwest farmer and that is exactly who you need. The message of these hardcore supporters, atleast as of lately, seems to be centrally wrapped around one issue: Legalization of pot. Which is all well and good but again, its not winning him any new voters.
 Until he can reign in his base and get them on a single game plan he can forget ever seriously being considered. Its sad too because I have heard many friends and family that are either rep or dem say that they love what Paul had to say during the debates but they just cant buy in to him because of his base. Its not right or fair to him but thats how some people think. I'm not of the mindset that this is completely accurate but its just things I have noticed.
Title: Re: Ron Paul's Chances
Post by: dalebert on August 22, 2012, 10:21:10 AM
A majority of Americans now support the legalization of pot & hemp. I doubt that is hurting nearly as badly as being an anti-war Republican. He could be a pro-war Republican or an anti-war Democrat but the bizarre combination is what it throwing him. And then the Democrats who might like that he's anti-war see him as an uber capitalist, which is kind of true, but that's a boogie-man in their mis-educated about economics eyes. It's that he's not something the many two-party thinkers can wrap their heads around.