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Free Talk Live => The Polling Pit => Topic started by: AlexLibman on July 07, 2007, 10:41:39 PM

Title: If we had open borders ...
Post by: AlexLibman on July 07, 2007, 10:41:39 PM
What would happen if Ian's position on unrestricted immigration came to fruition?

The Latino "Reconquista" will no longer be a major issue...  I imagine the horizon of both our oceans, but especially the Pacific, filled with boats as far as the eye could see!

Sure, some people in the third world love their homeland and won't come to America even if they could, but most would.  And they'll keep on coming as long as the wages and the quality of life in America are better than in the old country.  The population of the United States is about 0.31 billion, current consumption levels average at over $100 a day.  The people who'd want to come here, on the other hand...  1.1 billion people in the world presently have consumption levels below $1 a day, and 2.7 billion live on less than $2 a day.  And yet even the poorest of those people would be able to make it to this country by signing a contract to work off their transportation.

The people that stay behind in the old countries, by the way, will become poorer as the result of their best and brightest leaving, and the hopes of those countries industrializing will be diminished.  And the most afflicted, famine-ravaged persons won't be able to compete very well in a physically demanding factory environment, so it's up for debate whether the third world will be better off as the result.  Many would come here and not be able to find a job, wasting whatever savings they had in the process.

Now, I do believe that any person, of any race and from any country in the world, is capable of attaining success in a free economy.  Unfortunately for most this success doesn't come until 1-2 generations later, and that's with the help of the current welfare infrastructure.  Most of the people coming off those boats will only be capable of physical labor at first.  Being a Russian immigrant myself, I've seen a lot of Ph.D.'s from the old country babysitting and washing dishes in America because of the language barrier!

Other industrialized countries, the best example being Japan, will continue to limit immigration to what they perceive to be in their national interest, and invest in robotics and other technological innovations to compete with America.  Cheap labor is the reason why China didn't have an industrial revolution a thousand years ago, and America might miss out on the next revolution for the same reason!  Countries like Japan will also invest in overseas factories where the labor is cheapest, thus helping those countries industrialize and, in effect, buying their support on the geopolitical stage.

It's up for debate whether the total GDP of our nation will decline, but the per-capita GDP will definitely be in a free-fall!  With a near-unlimited supply of cheap labor, wages will decline toward the world average.  Or, if there are minimum wage laws, very few people would be making above minimum wage, and the unemployment would skyrocket even more.

(I will not speculate on what effect all this will have on the sanitation and health infrastructure of our country.  For the sake of political correctness, I will pretend that hygiene and infectious disease management standards are the same in Ethiopia as they are in this country.)

Now, whatever magic wand Ian waved to open the borders ought to also work for getting rid of minimum wage laws, welfare, and other all government services and regulations as well; local, state, and federal?  Unfortunately those things are more complicated.

If Michael Moore is willing to advocate government theft for the sake of some idiot who sawed off his fingers, what would he do if there were 40 Nigerian migrant workers sheltering in a basement next door, or politely picketing for work on street corners while their children fainted from hunger?  He'd tell them that property is theft, and the rich American next door is stealing from them!  Even if the majority of them had the moral sense not to turn to theft, enough would.  Sure, you'd have your firearms, but they would have weapons as well, and pretty soon there would be more of them then there are of you.  If they can't get the government to give them welfare, they'll take it by force themselves!  Whether it takes a little violence or a lot of violence, sooner or later the majority of the wealth holders (at least those that haven't fled to some country with a more discriminating immigration policy) would agree to "fairly redistribute their wealth".

This is what happened in all countries filled with poor people competing for low-wage jobs, most notably in Russia in early 1900's.  If America opens its borders and the ratio of "have"s to "have-not"s increases, then Socialism, maybe even Communism, would come back with a vengeance, and free market capitalism would be blamed for all society's ills!

Freedom is only possible in a wealthy and stable society, with a well-developed culture of education, hard work, self-reliance, and charity.  Freedom is not for everybody, it must be earned.  Just as entry to a free society should be earned, and we're talking about a lot more than just a boat fare or a walk from Mexico.

So, while I agree with Ian on most things, the position I hold on immigration is the minarchist / gradualist position, similar to that of Ron Paul.  There are very few things that the federal government should be responsible for, but keeping our borders secure (and enforcing non-citizen visitation duration limits) is one of them.  It will take decades do phase out welfare, and for those decades the illegal immigration must be halted, and those here illegally should be heartlessly deported, just as an American citizen would be deported if he overstays his visa in Japan or Switzerland.

If there is such a thing as the United States of America, be it a legal fiction or not, it is not a universal concept.  There are stakeholders in this legal fiction, known as citizens - either you are one or you're not.  And it's in the common interest of those existing stakeholders that the in-flow of new stakeholders be limited -- not unlimited and not closed off completely -- to prevent the scenario described above.  Sure, I don't like the idea of a "common interest", people should be able to choose for themselves whenever possible, but unfortunately there are a handful of policy questions for which all American citizens are in the same boat, and immigration is one of them.

That doesn't mean we seal the borders completely, just control it for our national interest, like all industrialized nations currently do.  It's definitely in our interest to let in a million or so immigrants per year, a pretty significant number.  We might even be extremely generous and limit it at 3 million (that's 1% growth per year from immigration - 130,000,000 legal newcomers by 2050), but there must be a limit.  And since there'll be many people competing for those limited spots, we can choose the applicants that would serve our national interest the most.  Why should a high school drop-out from Mexico (no offense to both those groups) have an unfair advantage over the next Einstein from India or China just because of an accident of geography?

There will come a day, probably within our lifetimes, when the third world becomes more "industrialized" (and the first world less welfare-prone), and the need those barriers to immigration will gradually fade away, and all first-world countries, not just the U.S. will open their borders as Ian suggests.  But not yet!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: YixilTesiphon on July 07, 2007, 11:24:01 PM
As many people as the market has jobs for.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Ed on July 07, 2007, 11:24:52 PM
As many people as the market has jobs for.

Or homeless Mexicans wanting to live in better homeless conditions.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Andy on July 07, 2007, 11:55:50 PM
Everything you said makes sense only in the context of free immigration being the only change. (even then the idea that the very poorest people in the world could travel as indentured servants seems a little unlikely, why wouldn't they just take the same jobs for lower wages but correspondingly lower standards of living in their own countries. In the context of free trade as well as free immigration what you've described makes little sense at all.

Part of your position that I would tend to agree with is that policies for arrivals from all countries should be the same - except this contradicts your justification for restricting immigration in the first place. There would be no reason to restrict immigration from first world countries to stop an increase in the underclass.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Zhwazi on July 08, 2007, 12:04:41 AM
You don't need a job to work. Just do something and sell it. Human wants are insatiable. You'll find people buying whatever you're selling if they want it and you price it right. Prices would be driven down not only for sellers but buyers too, so you're not losing real wages by accepting a lower price.

It would be the best thing to happen to Americans for the price of everything to come down like that, and the best thing to happen for the immigrants as well.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: AlexLibman on July 08, 2007, 12:46:32 AM
As many people as the market has jobs for.

Oh, I don't think running out of jobs will be the first problem!

Agrarian feudalism was able to provide as many jobs as there was land for the peasants to live off, and the number of people who would prefer American free-market feudalism to their old country (whether due to a better political system, better natural resources, higher agricultural productivity, or lower population density) is a couple billion.  The Mississippi can support at least the same number of peasants as the Ganges!

Some of the newcomers will be able to get better jobs than subsistence agriculture, of course, while some Americans wouldn't be able to do any better than that due to horrendous competition, including many Michael Moore fans to "educate" their new comrades on how all rich people are thieves.  In short, you'll have conditions very similar to those that precede all Communist revolutions - lots of very poor people culturally unaccustomed to capitalism.

This won't be a problem if the migration happened gradually, over many generations, giving time for the newcomers to elevate themselves to better jobs.  But if you just open the borders, there'll be a tidal wave, wages would plummet, and crime would skyrocket!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Mike Barskey on July 08, 2007, 12:54:06 AM
Freedom is not for everybody, it must be earned. 

Freedom is a natural right, the right of every rational being by the nature of its existence. If it is something that must be earned, that presupposes that you are earning it from someone, that someone is giving it to you, which makes it no longer a right but, but a privilege. This line of thought is not libertarian or even freedom-oriented.

... there are a handful of policy questions for which all American citizens are in the same boat, and immigration is one of them. ... It's definitely in our interest to let in a million or so immigrants per year, a pretty significant number.  We might even be extremely generous and limit it at 3 million (that's 1% growth per year from immigration - 130,000,000 legal newcomers by 2050), but there must be a limit.

It is definitely not in *my* interest to restrict immigration to a million or so per year, or even a generous 3 million. You may be right in regards to limiting immigration is better planning for the massive influx, but even if I'm wrong about the free market being able to accommodate it (those immigrants being *part of* the free market itself!), you suggest that your idea is the only idea - that my "interest" is not the same as yours so it is to be overruled. Again, this is not liberty-oriented thinking.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: One two three on July 08, 2007, 01:24:42 AM
What the fuck is wrong with you people?  Grow a pair.  I mean, if you cannot compete, kill yourself now.  Thanks.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: AlexLibman on July 08, 2007, 01:28:21 AM
Everything you said makes sense only in the context of free immigration being the only change.

It's a change that can be made on the Federal level alone, and silly liberals can be manipulated into supporting it out of compassion for third-world immigrants.  Wyoming can't issue it's own citizenship or secure its own borders!  Getting rid of the welfare state is more difficult, because welfare can exist on a number of other levels.

Even then the idea that the very poorest people in the world could travel as indentured servants seems a little unlikely.

It's been known to happen illegally with migrants from Mexico - a first-world country with GDP/capita of about $12K/yr, ten times higher than some African countries. 

Why wouldn't they just take the same jobs for lower wages but correspondingly lower standards of living in their own countries?

Maybe they just don't like the weather in Bangladesh, I don't know, I've never been there, but people do want to come here if given a chance.  And the wages in America would have to fall a very, very long way before coming close to what they are over there.  All this talk about getting the minimum wage over $7.00 - what do you think will happen when it falls below $0.70?  Riots!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: freeAgent on July 08, 2007, 06:58:42 AM
I voted for less than 10,000,000 but I don't really have any idea and it doesn't matter what I think.  People should have the ability to immigrate to the US no matter how many of them there are.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Ed on July 08, 2007, 07:00:31 AM
I voted for less than 10,000,000 but I don't really have any idea and it doesn't matter what I think.  People should have the ability to immigrate to the US no matter how many of them there are.

You're my personal Jesus, man.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: mikehz on July 08, 2007, 10:41:52 AM
We used to HAVE open borders, and the world didn't move here. Some did, but even when we had an open border to Mexico, most Mexicans wanted to stay in the place familiar to them. The same holds true now. Most illegal Mexicans don't plan on staying, but on sending money home for awhile, and then returning there.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Jason Orr on July 08, 2007, 11:02:05 AM
I really don't see open border policies leading to floods of immigrants.  Many people can't afford the price of transport from their country to the states, and many more simply don't want to move for a variety of very good reasons.  People want to develop their own countries rather than move into an already developed one.  The only thing I could see is a short-term increase of Mexican immigrants on account of the relative ease of getting here, but this would likely not put a large strain on the national economy.  In fact, it could lead to more development along the southern border, considering the surplus of labor.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Jason Orr on July 08, 2007, 01:14:03 PM
Well out of principle it makes no difference whatsoever what the effects of an open border policy are.  Most people, though, very much care about the effects.  If we ever want another open border policy, we're going to have to convince an alarming amount of people that not everyone in the world is banging at the doors of America (which I think is a really self-flattering view).  I've talked to a number of people who are absolutely convinced that if the United States had an open border policy, legions of poor and/or homeless Mexicans will invade the southwest to cripple the regional and even the national economy, ignoring all case studies of previous mass immigrations.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Bill Brasky on July 08, 2007, 01:36:41 PM
Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

This means - by a factor of five - the fifteen million (or more) illegals will equal approximately 75 million by the year 2057, if they completely sealed the borders right now. 

You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means half the current population as it stands now, half of the entire population of this country, will put a nice big strain on the entire infrastructure as it currently stands.  Traffic, hospitals, welfare/social security, the school systems, the utility network into metro areas, all would be maxed out, and that doesnt include the other 300,000,000 who will be breeding the whole time. 

I'd like to see some progression tables of population.  I'll bet we're looking at a total population of around 3/4 of a BILLION people by around 2060, maybe 2070 - and thats not taking into account longevity due to scientific breakthroughs.

Sounds like a hoot.  I'm glad I'll be dead by then. 

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Mike Barskey on July 08, 2007, 01:43:48 PM
Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

This means - by a factor of five - the fifteen million (or more) illegals will equal approximately 75 million by the year 2057, if they completely sealed the borders right now. 

You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means half the current population as it stands now, half of the entire population of this country, will put a nice big strain on the entire infrastructure as it currently stands.  Traffic, hospitals, welfare/social security, the school systems, the utility network into metro areas, all would be maxed out, and that doesnt include the other 300,000,000 who will be breeding the whole time. 

I'd like to see some progression tables of population.  I'll bet we're looking at a total population of around 3/4 of a BILLION people by around 2060, maybe 2070 - and thats not taking into account longevity due to scientific breakthroughs.

Sounds like a hoot.  I'm glad I'll be dead by then. 

This doesn't make any sense. You're suggesting that if we close the borders right now, the current illegal immigrant population would grow five-fold in 50 years, and then you double this figure for some reason, and then you compare that to the rest of the population as it is now, without the same growth of 50 years. Are you suggesting that every pair of illegal immigrants who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring will equal ten or so within fifty years, but every pair of legal American citizens who are capable of producing offspring will not equal ten or so within fifty years? And if you double the illegal population, why don't you at least double the current legal population (let alone what the legal population would have grown to in the same 50 years)? If you closed the border right now, the illegal population as a percentage of the entire population would remain approximately the same (or lessen considerably if you consider current rules of naturalization by birth).
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Jason Orr on July 08, 2007, 02:03:18 PM
India has over a billion people right now on a landmass about a third of that under the control of the United States.  This is what happens when there are problems:  we cope with them, we adjust for them, we solve them.  Long term population growth is not a reasonable factor when considering current border policy.  The fear is of a short term population influx that will shock the system.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Free_Marketeer on July 08, 2007, 03:07:42 PM
Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

Most likely, they will not equal ten or so in fifty years.  A household's fertility decision is strongly determined by the opportunity cost of having children - i.e., the cost of everything foregone in favor of a given choice. 

The biggest opportunity cost of having children is time, because it takes a lot of time to raise a child.  As the parents' time becomes more valuable due to economic advancement, the opportunity cost of having offspring increases (as measured in foregone earned income), creating a very strong tendency not to have offspring.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Andy on July 08, 2007, 03:18:07 PM
What the fuck is wrong with you people?  Grow a pair.  I mean, if you cannot compete, kill yourself now.  Thanks.

That's not quite fair. Alex was not expressing concern about his own ability to compete but about what those who couldn't would do instead of killing themselves.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Bill Brasky on July 08, 2007, 04:15:23 PM
Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

This means - by a factor of five - the fifteen million (or more) illegals will equal approximately 75 million by the year 2057, if they completely sealed the borders right now. 

You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means half the current population as it stands now, half of the entire population of this country, will put a nice big strain on the entire infrastructure as it currently stands.  Traffic, hospitals, welfare/social security, the school systems, the utility network into metro areas, all would be maxed out, and that doesnt include the other 300,000,000 who will be breeding the whole time. 

I'd like to see some progression tables of population.  I'll bet we're looking at a total population of around 3/4 of a BILLION people by around 2060, maybe 2070 - and thats not taking into account longevity due to scientific breakthroughs.

Sounds like a hoot.  I'm glad I'll be dead by then. 

This doesn't make any sense. You're suggesting that if we close the borders right now, the current illegal immigrant population would grow five-fold in 50 years, and then you double this figure for some reason, and then you compare that to the rest of the population as it is now, without the same growth of 50 years. Are you suggesting that every pair of illegal immigrants who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring will equal ten or so within fifty years, but every pair of legal American citizens who are capable of producing offspring will not equal ten or so within fifty years? And if you double the illegal population, why don't you at least double the current legal population (let alone what the legal population would have grown to in the same 50 years)? If you closed the border right now, the illegal population as a percentage of the entire population would remain approximately the same (or lessen considerably if you consider current rules of naturalization by birth).

It makes perfect sense.  Two people have children, take the cliche of 2.5 kids per family.  Those 2 people now equal  4 or 5.  So, those 2 or 3 children, 25 years after birth, each have 2 kids.  That is eight to ten children and grandchildren plus the original immigrants.  Given some benefit of the doubt, it is simple to have fifteen million people turn into 75 million within fifty years, if thats too hard to understand, just go to a family reunion some time. 

Now.  If theres fifteen million here now, I think its safe to assume the influx of immigrants would double the current number of illegals...  or "un-illegals" if the borders are open.  So, fifteen million doubles, and so do the number of siblings in fifty years, which would total 150,000,000 as opposed to the 75,000,000 in my scenario. 

Its really not that difficult. 

And if you would bother to reverse engineer the results of my hypotheses, you'd easily see the 300,000,000 is factored into the total.  Fifteen to 30 million cannot suddenly become 750,000,000 without the help of the segment of the 300mil that are of the child bearing age, which I figured at about 25 to 30%.  Old people dont reproduce, neither do children. 

So, before you go into all sorts of contorted gymnastics in defense of your little pet projects, you should consider that these were obviously rubbery numbers to begin with, but they are certainly sizeable no matter how close they are to the truth, and I'm sure its not TOO far afield. 

The end result is a huge population shift, period.  So, better start saving your pennies, because you're gonna be paying some pretty steep taxes over the next few decades, as well as not having the social security returned to you that you've paid into for five decades. 

Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

Most likely, they will not equal ten or so in fifty years.  A household's fertility decision is strongly determined by the opportunity cost of having children - i.e., the cost of everything foregone in favor of a given choice. 

The biggest opportunity cost of having children is time, because it takes a lot of time to raise a child.  As the parents' time becomes more valuable due to economic advancement, the opportunity cost of having offspring increases (as measured in foregone earned income), creating a very strong tendency not to have offspring.

Bullshit.  Sorry.  If you are trying to tell me there is a slower population growth in areas of economic instability, you are completely wrong.  It is equal or faster than the average middle income two parent household.  I can think of three grandparents who are 40 or younger right off the top of my head. 

Name them?  Sure thing.  Michelle, Morris, and my acquaintance Jen's mom.  Three seperate families. 

Secondly, Latinos are predominantly Catholic.  This means they are less likely to view abortion as an option.  This has major significance over that large a population.  Birth control is sketchy at best in underprivileged economic situations, and sex is recreational at a younger age, school dropouts are high, and this equals street education versus formalized education.  Sex Ed doesnt happen until puberty begins normally around 9th grade, and this is when dropouts begin in any numerical significance.  This means street sisters are looking up at older more experienced chicks to learn their lessons from, and that is the most dubious form of education there is. 

You need to understand one thing, these people do not take day trips to the Misses institute for kicks, they lead hardscrabble lives for years until they finally get their shit together.  They gravitate to the inner cities where rent is cheap or they seek out day labor to scratch by on.  They come here on a wing and a prayer and struggle their asses off, having kids they can't afford, its a shitty life.  Maybe better than where they came from, true. 

But they rarely have the privilege of hitting up a college buddy that has a pull out couch in the basement they can call home for a few months.  People who have no actual address cant get good work, and they cant get a home without having employment.  Its a vicious cycle. 

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: bonerjoe on July 08, 2007, 04:23:08 PM
If Borders were open, then I wouldn't have to shop at Barnes and Noble.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Jason Orr on July 08, 2007, 04:35:07 PM
If Borders were open, then I wouldn't have to shop at Barnes and Noble.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Mike Barskey on July 08, 2007, 04:37:36 PM
It makes perfect sense.  Two people have children, take the cliche of 2.5 kids per family.  Those 2 people now equal  4 or 5.  So, those 2 or 3 children, 25 years after birth, each have 2 kids.  That is eight to ten children and grandchildren plus the original immigrants.  Given some benefit of the doubt, it is simple to have fifteen million people turn into 75 million within fifty years, if thats too hard to understand, just go to a family reunion some time. 

Now.  If theres fifteen million here now, I think its safe to assume the influx of immigrants would double the current number of illegals...  or "un-illegals" if the borders are open.  So, fifteen million doubles, and so do the number of siblings in fifty years, which would total 150,000,000 as opposed to the 75,000,000 in my scenario. 

Its really not that difficult. 

And if you would bother to reverse engineer the results of my hypotheses, you'd easily see the 300,000,000 is factored into the total.  Fifteen to 30 million cannot suddenly become 750,000,000 without the help of the segment of the 300mil that are of the child bearing age, which I figured at about 25 to 30%.  Old people dont reproduce, neither do children. 

So, before you go into all sorts of contorted gymnastics in defense of your little pet projects, you should consider that these were obviously rubbery numbers to begin with, but they are certainly sizeable no matter how close they are to the truth, and I'm sure its not TOO far afield. 

The end result is a huge population shift, period.  So, better start saving your pennies, because you're gonna be paying some pretty steep taxes over the next few decades, as well as not having the social security returned to you that you've paid into for five decades. 

I'm sorry, I misunderstood your example's position on opening or closing the border. You said "This means ... the fifteen million (or more) illegals will equal approximately 75 million by the year 2057, if they completely sealed the borders right now. ... You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means ..." and I just confused whether you meant that the borderes were completely sealed right now or if the borders were allowed open. I now understand that your example creates 75M out of 15M with closed borders, but opening the border could double that to 150M.

However, in that same sentence ("You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means half the current population as it stands now, half of the entire population of this country, will put a nice big strain on the entire infrastructure as it currently stands."), you are comparing the 150M population after 50 years of growth to the current population of America, claiming that 150M is half of the 300M population, even though 150M is in the future and 300M is in the present and hasn't been given the same 50 years to grow. Or maybe I'm still misunderstanding your example.

Also, why are you condescending to me? You said "...if you would bother to reverse engineer the results of my hypotheses..." and "...before you go into all sorts of contorted gymnastics in defense of your little pet projects..." How does it benefit you (or me, or anyone) to act superior when I am merely pointing out a what I think is a mistake in your hypothesis? If I am wrong, please explain how.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Bill Brasky on July 08, 2007, 04:57:01 PM
It makes perfect sense.  Two people have children, take the cliche of 2.5 kids per family.  Those 2 people now equal  4 or 5.  So, those 2 or 3 children, 25 years after birth, each have 2 kids.  That is eight to ten children and grandchildren plus the original immigrants.  Given some benefit of the doubt, it is simple to have fifteen million people turn into 75 million within fifty years, if thats too hard to understand, just go to a family reunion some time. 

Now.  If theres fifteen million here now, I think its safe to assume the influx of immigrants would double the current number of illegals...  or "un-illegals" if the borders are open.  So, fifteen million doubles, and so do the number of siblings in fifty years, which would total 150,000,000 as opposed to the 75,000,000 in my scenario. 

Its really not that difficult. 

And if you would bother to reverse engineer the results of my hypotheses, you'd easily see the 300,000,000 is factored into the total.  Fifteen to 30 million cannot suddenly become 750,000,000 without the help of the segment of the 300mil that are of the child bearing age, which I figured at about 25 to 30%.  Old people dont reproduce, neither do children. 

So, before you go into all sorts of contorted gymnastics in defense of your little pet projects, you should consider that these were obviously rubbery numbers to begin with, but they are certainly sizeable no matter how close they are to the truth, and I'm sure its not TOO far afield. 

The end result is a huge population shift, period.  So, better start saving your pennies, because you're gonna be paying some pretty steep taxes over the next few decades, as well as not having the social security returned to you that you've paid into for five decades. 

I'm sorry, I misunderstood your example's position on opening or closing the border. You said "This means ... the fifteen million (or more) illegals will equal approximately 75 million by the year 2057, if they completely sealed the borders right now. ... You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means ..." and I just confused whether you meant that the borderes were completely sealed right now or if the borders were allowed open. I now understand that your example creates 75M out of 15M with closed borders, but opening the border could double that to 150M.

However, in that same sentence ("You could easily double that if you allowed the open borders, which means half the current population as it stands now, half of the entire population of this country, will put a nice big strain on the entire infrastructure as it currently stands."), you are comparing the 150M population after 50 years of growth to the current population of America, claiming that 150M is half of the 300M population, even though 150M is in the future and 300M is in the present and hasn't been given the same 50 years to grow. Or maybe I'm still misunderstanding your example.

Also, why are you condescending to me? You said "...if you would bother to reverse engineer the results of my hypotheses..." and "...before you go into all sorts of contorted gymnastics in defense of your little pet projects..." How does it benefit you (or me, or anyone) to act superior when I am merely pointing out a what I think is a mistake in your hypothesis? If I am wrong, please explain how.


No, you've got it now.  Thats basically correct.  The point is, it's a shitload of people.  The ramifications of that influx would be huge.

The point I was making with reverse engineering the data is that it's easily visible after a few moments consideration that fifteen or 30 million cannot sprout into 750M, no way in hell.  Not in fifty years, at least. 

So, I got a little aggrivated to have to go over it a second time, more thoroughly, when all I was suggesting is a huge influx of people will cause a big strain on the legal citizens already here who are feeling the pinch of a steadily declining economy.  The gymnastics reference was to cast an unfavorable light on people who will bend their arguments into ridiculous shapes to try to show their support for an embryonic theory of "Open borders=good/bad/maybe/love it"  Its not actually against you, it was just a comment that fit the moment. 

Personally, I would like to streamline the process and grant legal citizenship to anyone who requests it.  But thats not open borders, thats closed borders.  Open borders suggests to me that there would be no oversight whatsoever and people could just come and go with absolutely no process at all, like an open highway, just zoom right through.

That would be catastrophic. 

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: freeAgent on July 08, 2007, 05:51:36 PM
If Borders were open, then I wouldn't have to shop at Barnes and Noble.

You bookstore traitor.  I never knew libertarians were such bookstore traitors.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Mike Barskey on July 08, 2007, 06:53:22 PM
No, you've got it now.  Thats basically correct.  The point is, it's a shitload of people.  The ramifications of that influx would be huge.

The point I was making with reverse engineering the data is that it's easily visible after a few moments consideration that fifteen or 30 million cannot sprout into 750M, no way in hell.  Not in fifty years, at least. 

So, I got a little aggrivated to have to go over it a second time, more thoroughly, when all I was suggesting is a huge influx of people will cause a big strain on the legal citizens already here who are feeling the pinch of a steadily declining economy.  The gymnastics reference was to cast an unfavorable light on people who will bend their arguments into ridiculous shapes to try to show their support for an embryonic theory of "Open borders=good/bad/maybe/love it"  Its not actually against you, it was just a comment that fit the moment. 

Personally, I would like to streamline the process and grant legal citizenship to anyone who requests it.  But thats not open borders, thats closed borders.  Open borders suggests to me that there would be no oversight whatsoever and people could just come and go with absolutely no process at all, like an open highway, just zoom right through.

That would be catastrophic. 

Thanks for explaining everything. I'm still confused, though, how the 150M illegal immigrants in 50 years would be more of a burden on society proportionally then the 15M illegal immigrants now. I'm assuming that the legal population will grow at the same rate as the illegal population, to if 15M illegal immigrants now is ~5% of the total population, then in 50 years 150M will be ~5% of the total population. Are you saying that a greater population in general is more of a burden on society (i.e., on itself)?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ... fertility issues
Post by: Free_Marketeer on July 08, 2007, 10:01:12 PM
Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

Most likely, they will not equal ten or so in fifty years.  A household's fertility decision is strongly determined by the opportunity cost of having children - i.e., the cost of everything foregone in favor of a given choice. 

The biggest opportunity cost of having children is time, because it takes a lot of time to raise a child.  As the parents' time becomes more valuable due to economic advancement, the opportunity cost of having offspring increases (as measured in foregone earned income), creating a very strong tendency not to have offspring.

[...]  If you are trying to tell me there is a slower population growth in areas of economic instability, you are completely wrong.  It is equal or faster than the average middle income two parent household.[...]

Economic stability is not the focus of my point: households/parents' opportunity cost relative to children is the point.  Ceteris paribus, as the household/parents advance economically (which most immigrants do, ipso facto, because their sole reason for moving is economic gain), the opportunity cost of having children increases. 

It is an economics law, but in reality (where "all else" is not equal) is variegated by other values potential parents may hold, e.g., religious beliefs, like you mention.  But then, those religious beliefs actually are part of the parents' opportunity cost calculation: the law of opportunity cost still applies.  And, P.S., the pope okay'd condoms several years ago - it is possible for a Catholic family to plan for a smaller family.  :)

Lastly, 'economic stability', per se, does not exist, except as a historical artifact.  The economy is a chaotic dynamic force. It develops according to the unique interests of the individuals directing it at base.  'Economic stability' is a poor phrase used mostly to justify bad monetary policy and promulgate bad public policy, like price controls or subsidies.  The only way to have a "stable" economy is to unfetter it such that artificial influences no longer distort individuals' market activities.

Edit:  Here are some more works you might enjoy from economists regarding fertility decisions.

Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, in Was Malthus Right? Economic Growth and Population Dynamics (, talks about fertility i.t.o. capital-specific technological change.  His homepage ( has further notes on the article (

Becker argues for population on The Becker-Posner Blog: Is Population Growth Good or Bad? (

I only had a small point re: opportunity cost, but if you're interested in the myriad economic elements/determinants of fertility, you should definitely check out Becker's seminal works on Family, Marriage and Fertility (


Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Free_Marketeer on July 08, 2007, 10:03:17 PM
If Borders were open, then I wouldn't have to shop at Barnes and Noble.

You bookstore traitor.  I never knew libertarians were such bookstore traitors.

No kidding, you should get all your books via (!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: BKO on July 09, 2007, 01:51:34 PM
If Ian persists on extrapolating on topics which have no realistic application, I swear I will invoke my own executive privilege and start up a "free brown people project" just for his personal amusement.

OK, I don't know how to threaten Ian. He is such a frail and shrill fellow.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Charles on July 09, 2007, 04:50:57 PM
If the borders opened up, I would buy as much land as I can in Mexico and essentially pull out my own personal free state project.  I never really believed that the Browns could hold off the US national guard etc. if it really comes to that, but I think a bunch of well armed and well supplied people could hold off against the corrupt mexican police.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Bill Brasky on July 09, 2007, 06:23:52 PM
No, you've got it now.  Thats basically correct.  The point is, it's a shitload of people.  The ramifications of that influx would be huge.

The point I was making with reverse engineering the data is that it's easily visible after a few moments consideration that fifteen or 30 million cannot sprout into 750M, no way in hell.  Not in fifty years, at least. 

So, I got a little aggrivated to have to go over it a second time, more thoroughly, when all I was suggesting is a huge influx of people will cause a big strain on the legal citizens already here who are feeling the pinch of a steadily declining economy.  The gymnastics reference was to cast an unfavorable light on people who will bend their arguments into ridiculous shapes to try to show their support for an embryonic theory of "Open borders=good/bad/maybe/love it"  Its not actually against you, it was just a comment that fit the moment. 

Personally, I would like to streamline the process and grant legal citizenship to anyone who requests it.  But thats not open borders, thats closed borders.  Open borders suggests to me that there would be no oversight whatsoever and people could just come and go with absolutely no process at all, like an open highway, just zoom right through.

That would be catastrophic. 

Thanks for explaining everything. I'm still confused, though, how the 150M illegal immigrants in 50 years would be more of a burden on society proportionally then the 15M illegal immigrants now. I'm assuming that the legal population will grow at the same rate as the illegal population, to if 15M illegal immigrants now is ~5% of the total population, then in 50 years 150M will be ~5% of the total population. Are you saying that a greater population in general is more of a burden on society (i.e., on itself)?

A burden on society...  Okay, watch this...

Well, wouldn't you suppose the number crunchers expect their calculations to rise gradualy?

Spikes in any scenario throw everything off.  Inflation is based upon population, as is every calculation the government uses to suck your taxes out of your pocket. 

A rapid influx of lower strata population is definately gonna raise your taxes.  Cant deny that. 

Look man, I'm paying mega-taxes.  There will be no sudden shift in my salary/tax bracket to the lower side.  Never. 

<gloves off>  I do not wanna pay for these motherfuckers.


Sorry if that is an inarticulate and unimaginative expression of my opinion, but me first.  My money   MINE!!

I simply dont give a shit about open borders if I have to live in poverty to help Juan escape from one barrio to another.  Juans plight is not my problem.  He can smoke crack in mexico.  I can't live freely here.  Why should I give a fuck where other people life in poverty if I am shouldering their burden?

Why cannot they strive for excellence in mexico?

Is there no capitalism in mexico?

Do you honestly expect me to believe in 2007 the people of mexico are incapable of using their wits to rise above their plight?

Fuck them.   No, seriously...  FUCK THEM.  I work or I die.  But they don't?  The Mexican border means very little anymore.  Capitalism is exploding in mexico, probably faster than it is here...

You know what we're taking across the border?

The losers.

Everybody knows money reigns supreme in mexico.  The mexicans who make money will never come here, never.  People who have cash to spend run into mexico like their asses are on fire.  Because their dollars are worth more there. 

So, we have an exodus of wealth going south, an exodus of losers coming north, and I'm expected to be happy about it? 


I'm never gonna be grateful about absorbing the mexican losers into the lower strata of the welfare system.  And if you want to open the doors fully to a bank robbery, you're crazy.

That is simple debate on economics and theory, Mike Barsky, nothing more.  I have no problem with individual people of any ethnicity.  Just for the record. 

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: bonerjoe on July 09, 2007, 07:00:49 PM
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Ed on July 09, 2007, 07:02:01 PM

So now what do you disagree with RP on? His pro-life stance?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: bonerjoe on July 09, 2007, 07:08:15 PM

So now what do you disagree with RP on? His pro-life stance?

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Mike Barskey on July 09, 2007, 07:15:53 PM
A burden on society...  Okay, watch this...

Well, wouldn't you suppose the number crunchers expect their calculations to rise gradualy?

Spikes in any scenario throw everything off.  Inflation is based upon population, as is every calculation the government uses to suck your taxes out of your pocket. 

A rapid influx of lower strata population is definately gonna raise your taxes.  Cant deny that. 

Look man, I'm paying mega-taxes.  There will be no sudden shift in my salary/tax bracket to the lower side.  Never. 

<gloves off>  I do not wanna pay for these motherfuckers.

That is simple debate on economics and theory, Mike Barsky, nothing more.  I have no problem with individual people of any ethnicity.  Just for the record. 

I completely agree about paying for them. I don't want to pay for anyone other than me or any program for which I don't benefit or give explicit consent (i.e., voluntarily spend my own money on). But I just don't understand your argument that illegal immigrants affect your wallet (or mine) any more than legal population. If the legal population increases, taxes will increase (with our current government). If the illegal population increases, taxes will increase. There are poor among legal and illegal populations and over 50 years they will both grow proportionally the same (all else being equal), hence taxes will increase.

The whole thing sounds like an argument against welfare because as population (legal or illegal) grows, so does taxation in order to support the greater welfare load. I just don't understand how illegal immigrants worsen this scenario more than the legal population.

But thanks for trying to explain it.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Charles on July 09, 2007, 07:55:13 PM
Capitalism is exploding in mexico, probably faster than it is here...

That's what I was saying man.  I don't think Mexico is really exploding with capitalism currently, but I'm seeing a lot of potential, chinese level potential, in Mexico.  Cheap labor for the win. 
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Bill Brasky on July 10, 2007, 12:18:39 AM
A burden on society...  Okay, watch this...

Well, wouldn't you suppose the number crunchers expect their calculations to rise gradualy?

Spikes in any scenario throw everything off.  Inflation is based upon population, as is every calculation the government uses to suck your taxes out of your pocket. 

A rapid influx of lower strata population is definately gonna raise your taxes.  Cant deny that. 

Look man, I'm paying mega-taxes.  There will be no sudden shift in my salary/tax bracket to the lower side.  Never. 

<gloves off>  I do not wanna pay for these motherfuckers.

That is simple debate on economics and theory, Mike Barsky, nothing more.  I have no problem with individual people of any ethnicity.  Just for the record. 

I completely agree about paying for them. I don't want to pay for anyone other than me or any program for which I don't benefit or give explicit consent (i.e., voluntarily spend my own money on). But I just don't understand your argument that illegal immigrants affect your wallet (or mine) any more than legal population. If the legal population increases, taxes will increase (with our current government). If the illegal population increases, taxes will increase. There are poor among legal and illegal populations and over 50 years they will both grow proportionally the same (all else being equal), hence taxes will increase.

The whole thing sounds like an argument against welfare because as population (legal or illegal) grows, so does taxation in order to support the greater welfare load. I just don't understand how illegal immigrants worsen this scenario more than the legal population.

But thanks for trying to explain it.

Legal or illegal, its still a rapid influx.  It throws the whole system on its head. 

Yes, it is an argument on welfare....  And the problems it creates.  Natural-born citizenship* = children born into this land.  Correct? 

I like children, don't get me wrong, I don't like to see them hungry.  But they are born here purposefully to extract rights and money from the system, like a wedge in the legal door which would be closed under other circumstanses. 

They are used as a tool.  That is just plain wrong. 

All persons born in the United States are citizens by birth. There is some debate over whether other persons with citizenship can also be considered citizens by birth, or whether they should all be considered citizens by law (thus "naturalized"). Current US statutes define certain individuals born overseas as citizens by birth.[3] One side of the argument interprets the Constitution as meaning that a person either is born in the United States or is a naturalized citizen. Thus, to be a "natural born citizen," a person must be born in the United States; otherwise, they are citizens by law and are naturalized.[4] To others, the statute that grants citizenship to American children born overseas exempts them from the term "naturalized" and thus, as with the 1790 law, they are to be considered "natural born citizens" eligible for the Presidency.[5] Examples of persons who become citizens at birth (whether "naturalized" or "natural born") would include: birth to Americans overseas, or birth on U.S. soil, territories, or military bases overseas.[6]
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: mikehz on July 10, 2007, 09:05:35 PM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Jason Orr on July 10, 2007, 09:07:05 PM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.

But... where would you send native felons?  Guantanamo Bay?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: mikehz on July 10, 2007, 10:50:05 PM
Contract them out to, say, Mexico. Pay the government a couple thousand bucks a year to incarcerate them there. Much cheaper than keeping them here.

And, at the end of their sentence, they have the honor and privilege of becoming Mexican citizens.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Zhwazi on July 10, 2007, 10:53:01 PM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.
How about no? It's a felony to do a lot of things that are perfectly within my rights.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: mikehz on July 10, 2007, 11:41:59 PM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.
How about no? It's a felony to do a lot of things that are perfectly within my rights.

I mean, real felonies. You know--like the sort of crimes that actually hurt people. Murder, rape, sending out spam--THAT sort of thing.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: YixilTesiphon on July 10, 2007, 11:46:48 PM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.
How about no? It's a felony to do a lot of things that are perfectly within my rights.

I mean, real felonies. You know--like the sort of crimes that actually hurt people. Murder, rape, sending out spam--THAT sort of thing.

You implement that and I'll be flying a plane with my left buttcheek.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: bonerjoe on July 10, 2007, 11:55:41 PM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.
How about no? It's a felony to do a lot of things that are perfectly within my rights.

I mean, real felonies. You know--like the sort of crimes that actually hurt people. Murder, rape, sending out spam--THAT sort of thing.

You implement that and I'll be flying a plane with my left buttcheek.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: mikehz on July 11, 2007, 09:32:22 AM
I didn't say this would happen. But, if the big fear of immigration is crime, then it make more sense to throw out those actually committing crimes while welcoming in those who keep the peace. It just goes to show that fear of criminals is only a cover for the real reason many Americans fear immigration, which is racism. No one is much concerned about people coming here--provided they are the "right" color. Russians, and other whites, do come here, both legally and illegally. "But, that's different. They're whi..., er, they assimilate."

Eliminate the arguments against open borders one by one, and eventually you are left with the real reason Americans hate immigrants.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Ed on July 11, 2007, 09:50:08 AM
How 'bout, anyone can come here, but if you commit a felony you're out. That includes homegrown criminals.
How about no? It's a felony to do a lot of things that are perfectly within my rights.

I mean, real felonies. You know--like the sort of crimes that actually hurt people. Murder, rape, sending out spam--THAT sort of thing.

You implement that and I'll be flying a plane with my left buttcheek.


I think that's the point.

How bad is god? I aint lookin for nobody to judge.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Charles on July 11, 2007, 05:36:13 PM
I always thought banishment/exile was a great punishment for 1st degree murderers, rapists, constant robbers, and so on.  You'd need ultra secure borders to manage that though.

I've always thought the best way to handle it would be to convert one of our larger swabs of public land into a large outdoor prison with a large fence surrounding it where the prisoners will have to build their own society.  It will all be televised.  Basically The Truman Show for prisoners.  They'd have those RFID chips put in them when they go in, so when their term is up or evidence is found vindicating them they will be picked up have the chip removed, and allowed back into society.

It'd only be doable for the serious criminals though, and victimless crimes have to become legal.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on July 16, 2007, 11:14:39 PM
What would happen if Ian's position on unrestricted immigration came to fruition?

The Latino "Reconquista" will no longer be a major issue...  I imagine the horizon of both our oceans, but especially the Pacific, filled with boats as far as the eye could see!

Sure, some people in the third world love their homeland and won't come to America even if they could, but most would.  And they'll keep on coming as long as the wages and the quality of life in America are better than in the old country.  The population of the United States is about 0.31 billion, current consumption levels average at over $100 a day.  The people who'd want to come here, on the other hand...  1.1 billion people in the world presently have consumption levels below $1 a day, and 2.7 billion live on less than $2 a day.  And yet even the poorest of those people would be able to make it to this country by signing a contract to work off their transportation.

The people that stay behind in the old countries, by the way, will become poorer as the result of their best and brightest leaving, and the hopes of those countries industrializing will be diminished.  And the most afflicted, famine-ravaged persons won't be able to compete very well in a physically demanding factory environment, so it's up for debate whether the third world will be better off as the result.  Many would come here and not be able to find a job, wasting whatever savings they had in the process.

Now, I do believe that any person, of any race and from any country in the world, is capable of attaining success in a free economy.  Unfortunately for most this success doesn't come until 1-2 generations later, and that's with the help of the current welfare infrastructure.  Most of the people coming off those boats will only be capable of physical labor at first.  Being a Russian immigrant myself, I've seen a lot of Ph.D.'s from the old country babysitting and washing dishes in America because of the language barrier!

Other industrialized countries, the best example being Japan, will continue to limit immigration to what they perceive to be in their national interest, and invest in robotics and other technological innovations to compete with America.  Cheap labor is the reason why China didn't have an industrial revolution a thousand years ago, and America might miss out on the next revolution for the same reason!  Countries like Japan will also invest in overseas factories where the labor is cheapest, thus helping those countries industrialize and, in effect, buying their support on the geopolitical stage.

It's up for debate whether the total GDP of our nation will decline, but the per-capita GDP will definitely be in a free-fall!  With a near-unlimited supply of cheap labor, wages will decline toward the world average.  Or, if there are minimum wage laws, very few people would be making above minimum wage, and the unemployment would skyrocket even more.

(I will not speculate on what effect all this will have on the sanitation and health infrastructure of our country.  For the sake of political correctness, I will pretend that hygiene and infectious disease management standards are the same in Ethiopia as they are in this country.)

Now, whatever magic wand Ian waved to open the borders ought to also work for getting rid of minimum wage laws, welfare, and other all government services and regulations as well; local, state, and federal?  Unfortunately those things are more complicated.

If Michael Moore is willing to advocate government theft for the sake of some idiot who sawed off his fingers, what would he do if there were 40 Nigerian migrant workers sheltering in a basement next door, or politely picketing for work on street corners while their children fainted from hunger?  He'd tell them that property is theft, and the rich American next door is stealing from them!  Even if the majority of them had the moral sense not to turn to theft, enough would.  Sure, you'd have your firearms, but they would have weapons as well, and pretty soon there would be more of them then there are of you.  If they can't get the government to give them welfare, they'll take it by force themselves!  Whether it takes a little violence or a lot of violence, sooner or later the majority of the wealth holders (at least those that haven't fled to some country with a more discriminating immigration policy) would agree to "fairly redistribute their wealth".

This is what happened in all countries filled with poor people competing for low-wage jobs, most notably in Russia in early 1900's.  If America opens its borders and the ratio of "have"s to "have-not"s increases, then Socialism, maybe even Communism, would come back with a vengeance, and free market capitalism would be blamed for all society's ills!

Freedom is only possible in a wealthy and stable society, with a well-developed culture of education, hard work, self-reliance, and charity.  Freedom is not for everybody, it must be earned.  Just as entry to a free society should be earned, and we're talking about a lot more than just a boat fare or a walk from Mexico.

So, while I agree with Ian on most things, the position I hold on immigration is the minarchist / gradualist position, similar to that of Ron Paul.  There are very few things that the federal government should be responsible for, but keeping our borders secure (and enforcing non-citizen visitation duration limits) is one of them.  It will take decades do phase out welfare, and for those decades the illegal immigration must be halted, and those here illegally should be heartlessly deported, just as an American citizen would be deported if he overstays his visa in Japan or Switzerland.

If there is such a thing as the United States of America, be it a legal fiction or not, it is not a universal concept.  There are stakeholders in this legal fiction, known as citizens - either you are one or you're not.  And it's in the common interest of those existing stakeholders that the in-flow of new stakeholders be limited -- not unlimited and not closed off completely -- to prevent the scenario described above.  Sure, I don't like the idea of a "common interest", people should be able to choose for themselves whenever possible, but unfortunately there are a handful of policy questions for which all American citizens are in the same boat, and immigration is one of them.

That doesn't mean we seal the borders completely, just control it for our national interest, like all industrialized nations currently do.  It's definitely in our interest to let in a million or so immigrants per year, a pretty significant number.  We might even be extremely generous and limit it at 3 million (that's 1% growth per year from immigration - 130,000,000 legal newcomers by 2050), but there must be a limit.  And since there'll be many people competing for those limited spots, we can choose the applicants that would serve our national interest the most.  Why should a high school drop-out from Mexico (no offense to both those groups) have an unfair advantage over the next Einstein from India or China just because of an accident of geography?

There will come a day, probably within our lifetimes, when the third world becomes more "industrialized" (and the first world less welfare-prone), and the need those barriers to immigration will gradually fade away, and all first-world countries, not just the U.S. will open their borders as Ian suggests.  But not yet!

Immigrants will only come here as long as there is a great enough benefit to their presence here to overcome our greater cost of living and we will only offer them jobs and business opportunities which give immigrants incomes sufficient to overcome these costs if doing so improves our own standards of living. It's a self limiting process. When the costs of living here start to outweigh the benefits, then migration will start to flow in the opposite direction.

If you're worried about state welfare programs upsetting this balance, well, even state welfare is a self limiting process. If the burden becomes too noticeable, then there will be a justifiable demand to remove immigrants from state welfare, and if too many immigrants find a way to work around this obstacle by becoming citizens, then there will be a justifiable demand to limit or even stop the naturalization process.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 10, 2008, 12:14:12 AM
The discussion 70 minutes into the March 8th podcast prompts me to ask again:

Given open borders, what will keep America from eventually reaching the same population density ( as India or China?  And will that many poor immigrants act differently in political terms than they did in their old country, or would they turn the country just as Socialist as India or China?

I have to take a minarchist position on immigration, unfortunately.  There is such a thing as a nation-state, at least for now, not because it's a good idea but because other parts of the world believe in it.  That doesn't mean another country would roll in the tanks, but there are other ways to annex territory and resources.  Remember what the British Empire did to China leading up to the Opium Wars (  They would LOVE, LOVE to do the same thing to us!

I do believe in large-scale immigration, but it should be merit-based.  If Japan prefers millionaires and Ph.D's and we let in anyone who can swim the Rio Grande, their average IQ (and other per-capita indicators) would rise even more significantly above ours!  I say: anyone wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt should be stopped at the border!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 10, 2008, 12:43:51 AM
The discussion 70 minutes into the March 8th podcast prompts me to ask again:

Given open borders, what will keep America from eventually reaching the same population density ( as India or China?  And will that many poor immigrants act differently in political terms than they did in their old country, or would they turn the country just as Socialist as India or China?

I have to take a minarchist position on immigration, unfortunately.  There is such a thing as a nation-state, at least for now, not because it's a good idea but because other parts of the world believe in it.  That doesn't mean another country would roll in the tanks, but there are other ways to annex territory and resources.  Remember what the British Empire did to China leading up to the Opium Wars (  They would LOVE, LOVE to do the same thing to us!

I do believe in large-scale immigration, but it should be merit-based.  If Japan prefers millionaires and Ph.D's and we let in anyone who can swim the Rio Grande, their average IQ (and other per-capita indicators) would rise even more significantly above ours!  I say: anyone wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt should be stopped at the border!

You, apparently, don't trust the market. Pessimistic projections about immigration, like scary projections of every other non-aggressive human activity, fail to take into account that they are self limiting.(See my post, just above yours.)
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Harry Tuttle on March 10, 2008, 12:47:03 AM
You pessimists might also consider that a rapid influx of immigrants would force a change in the welfare system - probably by crashing it sooner. It might actually be a good thing.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 10, 2008, 12:48:37 AM
You pessimists might also consider that a rapid influx of immigrants would force a change in the welfare system - probably by crashing it sooner. It might actually be a good thing.

What happens when they start to riot?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 10, 2008, 01:16:07 AM
You, apparently, don't trust the market. Pessimistic projections about immigration, like scary projections of every other non-aggressive human activity, fail to take into account that they are self limiting.(See my post, just above yours.)

I've already addressed that earlier in this thread.  There's free market, and then there's magical thinking.  Absence of welfare is only possible if the mob that demands welfare can be kept at bay.  We already have welfare in this country in spite of limited immigration (compared to what it would be with open borders), with the overwhelming majority of immigrants voting for it.  The only immigrants who don't vote for welfare are the ones who would make it here anyway: hard-working professionals.  So this country cannot remain free without some controls over immigration!

Yes, there would come a point at which a person in India would rather stay in India than come to America, but if that point is reached America would very much resemble India today: filled with poor people who do nothing but breed and blame rich people for "oppressing" them.  With cheap labor the incentive for labor-saving technical innovations will go away, so it will be closed-borders countries like Japan that will gain the technological edge, first with robotics and then with other things as well.  The top brains from all over the world will find it in their best interest to immigrate there, making it the Galt's Gulch of sorts, while the open-border socialist countries fall apart further as the result.  A nation of 100 million scientists will wipe the floor with a nation of 2 billion rice farmers, even more so in the future than we can imagine today!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Harry Tuttle on March 10, 2008, 01:23:36 AM
You pessimists might also consider that a rapid influx of immigrants would force a change in the welfare system - probably by crashing it sooner. It might actually be a good thing.

What happens when they start to riot?

Its just circular thinking to assume that millions more coming into this country to leech off of it will not impoverish the country and, therefore, make it less appealing as a destination.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 10, 2008, 01:28:15 AM
You pessimists might also consider that a rapid influx of immigrants would force a change in the welfare system - probably by crashing it sooner. It might actually be a good thing.

What happens when they start to riot?

Its just circular thinking to assume that millions more coming into this country to leech off of it will not impoverish the country and, therefore, make it less appealing as a destination.

I'm talking about the moment you have to cut off benefits. What do you do when 10 million Mexcians riot because they can't get free milk for their 8 children? Sure, they'll go back eventually. Maybe.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 10, 2008, 01:43:47 AM
You, apparently, don't trust the market. Pessimistic projections about immigration, like scary projections of every other non-aggressive human activity, fail to take into account that they are self limiting.(See my post, just above yours.)

I've already addressed that earlier in this thread.  There's free market, and then there's magical thinking.  Absence of welfare is only possible if the mob that demands welfare can be kept at bay.  We already have welfare in this country in spite of limited immigration (compared to what it would be with open borders), with the overwhelming majority of immigrants voting for it.  The only immigrants who don't vote for welfare are the ones who would make it here anyway: hard-working professionals.  So this country cannot remain free without some controls over immigration!

Yes, there would come a point at which a person in India would rather stay in India than come to America, but if that point is reached America would very much resemble India today: filled with poor people who do nothing but breed and blame rich people for "oppressing" them.  With cheap labor the incentive for labor-saving technical innovations will go away, so it will be closed-borders countries like Japan that will gain the technological edge, first with robotics and then with other things as well.  The top brains from all over the world will find it in their best interest to immigrate there, making it the Galt's Gulch of sorts, while the open-border socialist countries fall apart further as the result.  A nation of 100 million scientists will wipe the floor with a nation of 2 billion rice farmers, even more so in the future than we can imagine today!

Immigrants are not allowed to vote, until they become citizens. Instead of closing borders to immigrants, why not simply end their eligibility for all state welfare programs and putting an end to naturalized  citizenship?

Immigrants also shouldn't be taxed to pay for "services" that they don't receive. They could set up, pay for and govern any free market alternatives to these services that may be of value, thereby setting an example of voluntary free market government for those, unfortunate enough to be citizens, to emulate.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 10, 2008, 02:04:33 AM
That would only work if we shoot all the democrats first!  :lol:

But even then - a mob of tens of millions of people doesn't need the right to vote to have influence.  If there are no democrats to vote them into citizenship and welfare, then the republicans, who'd obviously see them as a threat, would vote to close the border and have them deported.

The only way to have large-scale sustainable immigration into this country is to only allow controlled amounts of middle-class non-socialists on a competitive basis: the more you have to offer this country, the more likely you are to gain an entry visa, a work permit, and eventually a citizenship.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Sam Gunn (since nobody got Admiral Naismith) on March 10, 2008, 02:14:17 AM
Well, just remember this:  For every pair who arrive here and are capable of producing offspring, they will equal ten or so within fifty years. 

Most likely, they will not equal ten or so in fifty years.  A household's fertility decision is strongly determined by the opportunity cost of having children - i.e., the cost of everything foregone in favor of a given choice. 

The biggest opportunity cost of having children is time, because it takes a lot of time to raise a child.  As the parents' time becomes more valuable due to economic advancement, the opportunity cost of having offspring increases (as measured in foregone earned income), creating a very strong tendency not to have offspring.
Do you know any Mexican immigrant families?  Most of them have at least 4 or 6 kids even though they are poor!  Most American families on the other hand are only having 2 kids, which will only sustain the population at its current level.  I know a couple legal Mexican immigrant families with 10+ kids in each.  This is not uncommon.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 10, 2008, 08:10:37 AM
That would only work if we shoot all the democrats first!  :lol:

Why do you think that locking down the boarders is more politically feasible than making immigrants ineligible for public welfare?
But even then - a mob of tens of millions of people doesn't need the right to vote to have influence.  If there are no democrats to vote them into citizenship and welfare, then the republicans, who'd obviously see them as a threat, would vote to close the border and have them deported.

Not if they have no incentive to come here seeking welfare. Then only the responsible and productive people will have any reason to arrive.

The only way to have large-scale sustainable immigration into this country is to only allow controlled amounts of middle-class non-socialists on a competitive basis: the more you have to offer this country, the more likely you are to gain an entry visa, a work permit, and eventually a citizenship.

Some of the immigrant groups that have contributed the most productive and creative energy to this country were largely uneducated, but made up for that with ambition.

Until they or their children achieved their ambitions, they did the essential low level jobs that established Americans preferred not to do.

If we let only highly educated immigrants into the country, then it will be established Americans that will tend to end up doing the menial labor for the immigrants. How well do you think that will go over, politically?

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Porcupine_in_MA on March 10, 2008, 12:09:36 PM
What do you do when 10 million Mexcians riot because they can't get free milk for their 8 children?

Bribe them back across into their old country with tacos and burritos of course.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: timmysoboy on March 10, 2008, 12:11:42 PM
I chose the most all-encompassing answer of 10 mill.  betcha I'll win.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Harry Tuttle on March 10, 2008, 12:16:12 PM
You, apparently, don't trust the market. Pessimistic projections about immigration, like scary projections of every other non-aggressive human activity, fail to take into account that they are self limiting.(See my post, just above yours.)

I've already addressed that earlier in this thread.  There's free market, and then there's magical thinking.  Absence of welfare is only possible if the mob that demands welfare can be kept at bay.  We already have welfare in this country in spite of limited immigration (compared to what it would be with open borders), with the overwhelming majority of immigrants voting for it.  The only immigrants who don't vote for welfare are the ones who would make it here anyway: hard-working professionals.  So this country cannot remain free without some controls over immigration!

Yes, there would come a point at which a person in India would rather stay in India than come to America, but if that point is reached America would very much resemble India today: filled with poor people who do nothing but breed and blame rich people for "oppressing" them.  With cheap labor the incentive for labor-saving technical innovations will go away, so it will be closed-borders countries like Japan that will gain the technological edge, first with robotics and then with other things as well.  The top brains from all over the world will find it in their best interest to immigrate there, making it the Galt's Gulch of sorts, while the open-border socialist countries fall apart further as the result.  A nation of 100 million scientists will wipe the floor with a nation of 2 billion rice farmers, even more so in the future than we can imagine today!

Immigrants are not allowed to vote, until they become citizens. Instead of closing borders to immigrants, why not simply end their eligibility for all state welfare programs and putting an end to naturalized  citizenship?

Immigrants also shouldn't be taxed to pay for "services" that they don't receive. They could set up, pay for and govern any free market alternatives to these services that may be of value, thereby setting an example of voluntary free market government for those, unfortunate enough to be citizens, to emulate.

Sorry, we tried that in California with Prop 187. (

The courts threw it out.

We really need to bring down the welfare state entirely.

All of this is academic anyway. What is more likely to happen is that the increasingly tyrannical state will destroy the US economy and drive more and more jobs out of the country and into Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Dubai, China, Ireland, India, etc. Nobody will want to come here where there are no personal freedoms and no jobs.

We will never have freedom and prosperity here or anywhere until the welfare state is dismantled. Once that happens then you can send all of the people you want and they will either be productive, go home, or die.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 10, 2008, 02:59:50 PM
Why do you think that locking down the boarders is more politically feasible than making immigrants ineligible for public welfare?

A determined thief could break into your house no matter what kind of a security system you have, but that doesn't mean you should remove all locks in your house, leave the doors wide open, go on vacation for a month, and put an ad announcing all this in all local papers...

(Will reply to other points later...  Unless I forget.)
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 10, 2008, 03:15:51 PM
You, apparently, don't trust the market. Pessimistic projections about immigration, like scary projections of every other non-aggressive human activity, fail to take into account that they are self limiting.(See my post, just above yours.)

I've already addressed that earlier in this thread.  There's free market, and then there's magical thinking.  Absence of welfare is only possible if the mob that demands welfare can be kept at bay.  We already have welfare in this country in spite of limited immigration (compared to what it would be with open borders), with the overwhelming majority of immigrants voting for it.  The only immigrants who don't vote for welfare are the ones who would make it here anyway: hard-working professionals.  So this country cannot remain free without some controls over immigration!

Yes, there would come a point at which a person in India would rather stay in India than come to America, but if that point is reached America would very much resemble India today: filled with poor people who do nothing but breed and blame rich people for "oppressing" them.  With cheap labor the incentive for labor-saving technical innovations will go away, so it will be closed-borders countries like Japan that will gain the technological edge, first with robotics and then with other things as well.  The top brains from all over the world will find it in their best interest to immigrate there, making it the Galt's Gulch of sorts, while the open-border socialist countries fall apart further as the result.  A nation of 100 million scientists will wipe the floor with a nation of 2 billion rice farmers, even more so in the future than we can imagine today!

Immigrants are not allowed to vote, until they become citizens. Instead of closing borders to immigrants, why not simply end their eligibility for all state welfare programs and putting an end to naturalized  citizenship?

Immigrants also shouldn't be taxed to pay for "services" that they don't receive. They could set up, pay for and govern any free market alternatives to these services that may be of value, thereby setting an example of voluntary free market government for those, unfortunate enough to be citizens, to emulate.

Sorry, we tried that in California with Prop 187. (

The courts threw it out.

We really need to bring down the welfare state entirely.

All of this is academic anyway. What is more likely to happen is that the increasingly tyrannical state will destroy the US economy and drive more and more jobs out of the country and into Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Dubai, China, Ireland, India, etc. Nobody will want to come here where there are no personal freedoms and no jobs.

We will never have freedom and prosperity here or anywhere until the welfare state is dismantled. Once that happens then you can send all of the people you want and they will either be productive, go home, or die.

According to the article you linked, the proposition was held up on the technical grounds that immigration laws exceed the constitutional authority of the states. All that means is that it must be a federal law, which is what I was taking about in the first place.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 10, 2008, 03:22:28 PM
Why do you think that locking down the boarders is more politically feasible than making immigrants ineligible for public welfare?

A determined thief could break into your house no matter what kind of a security system you have, but that doesn't mean you should remove all locks in your house, leave the doors wide open, go on vacation for a month, and put an ad announcing all this in all local papers...

(Will reply to other points later...  Unless I forget.)

It seems that you're implying that immigrants who come for jobs or to start businesses are somehow stealing "our" country. It sounds xenophobic to me.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: BKO on March 10, 2008, 03:36:58 PM
I think we should donate billions of free clothing articles to the Mexicans...infested with smallpox.

And then after the smell goes away we can open the borders.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: convert_to_liberty on March 10, 2008, 03:57:50 PM
I think we should donate billions of free clothing articles to the Mexicans...infested with smallpox.

And then after the smell goes away we can open the borders.


Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Andy on March 10, 2008, 04:43:56 PM
I think we should donate billions of free clothing articles to the Mexicans...infested with smallpox.

And then after the smell goes away we can open the borders.


You don't think that might have been ironic? I mean I don't know for sure, but the specific form of genocide being advocated leads me to think it would be a fair guess.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: convert_to_liberty on March 10, 2008, 05:06:59 PM
I think we should donate billions of free clothing articles to the Mexicans...infested with smallpox.

And then after the smell goes away we can open the borders.


You don't think that might have been ironic? I mean I don't know for sure, but the specific form of genocide being advocated leads me to think it would be a fair guess.

Perhaps. But from what I have seen with the anti-immigrant crowd, you never can tell.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 11, 2008, 06:08:50 AM
I think we should donate billions of free clothing articles to the Mexicans...infested with smallpox.

And then after the smell goes away we can open the borders.


Yes, but consider this: the Dutch thought using smallpox as a weapon was despicable, but the Spanish and the Portuguese did not.  Not as many people speak Dutch in the Western Hemisphere nowadays, and not as many would be speaking English either if the English-speaking colonists didn't have the stomach for genocide.  The reason we shouldn't conquer Latin America isn't because it's "despicable", which it is of course, but because cheap labor is more productive and much more beneficial to the economy when they think they are free.  That's what left-wing politics has always been about.

... "the anti-immigrant crowd" ...

I'm very much pro-immigrant, as a matter a fact, but I'm not pro "open borders", at least not when there are other nations that still act within their national self-interest.  The only parts of the world that historically have had open borders with complete disregard for national interest have quickly been conquered.  (Please don't confuse allowing large-scale immigration, which is what the United States found to be in its interest throughout most of its history, with "open borders" - controls were put in place pretty darn quick once the population density increased.)  As a matter a fact, I'd like to see the population of the United States inch toward a billion during the 21st century, so our economy as a whole could stay above that of India, China, the expanded EU, and the Arab League, but this should be done through a merit-based immigration system.

Not if they have no incentive to come here seeking welfare. Then only the responsible and productive people will have any reason to arrive.

There's more to this than just "Welfare" as we know it today, there are the underlying reasons why Welfare was created in the first place, and it cannot be taken away at a stroke of a pen without taking care of those underlying reasons first or the results would be many times more devastating.  Many western countries suffered political revolutions mid-way into their entry into the so-called "Industrial Revolution".  Those revolutions didn't happen because Karl Marx was such a smartie, they happened because the mob of poor people decided it was easier to loot and pillage than to work their way up through the capitalist system (which admittedly wasn't very fair in those countries and was failing to reform itself, but the revolutions can still happen under the fairest of systems).  That's why we have welfare: it costs us less than the damage the mob of angry poor people would cause.

Poor people are dangerous, especially in large quantities, and especially if they are jealous of what you have.  True, they have very painful and difficult lives, but everything is relative - compared to our uncivilized ancestors just 5000 years ago their lives are pretty darn good.  Gather round, little pro-open-border kiddies, Uncle Alex will tell you a story of how our world might end up in the future:

Imagine a poor person living among other poor people in Indonesia working 60 hours a week attaching zippers to jeans for $3000 a year, which is what the actual value of his labor is on the open market.  He is pretty content - he can buy his daily bread, send his children to school, and maybe even buy a used television set.  He knows there are rich people somewhere out there, but they are too far away to be angry at, and all of his neighbors live just as well as he does in a poor but happy little community.  If they do decide to "beat the rich" and go Communist, so goes Indonesia - the few rich Indonesians flee, and Indonesians find themselves in the middle of a war zone making $500 a year - not that big a loss to the world economy.

Now imagine America has open borders and no socialist government policies.  Someone tells this jeans zipper attacher guy that he could make $10,000 a year doing the same work in America, with the increase in salary being due to lower density of cheap labor there (though obviously not as much as before) and also a much larger sales market, which means lower shipping costs for the company.  He saves up for a $500 passage for his family on a cargo boat (or buys it on credit), arrives in LA, and indeed does get a job for $10,000 a year.  Land costs a lot more, obviously, but his family can rent a cheap room in some cheap housing project too crummy to be allowed to be built back when there was government regulation.  He misses his old village and its community, but hey, American dream, right?  He works just as hard as he did in Indonesia, makes more money, but for some reason he just isn't happy.

He sees all those rich Americans, most of whom hate him for bring down their own wages.  Those people have all the luck - they had free education, tremendous economic protectionism, etc...  But now that the playing field is leveled, they're angry at him.  He has to join a gang of other Indonesian jeans factory workers for his own protection, and in that gang he hears things: "Americans don't deserve what they have!  They still have many economic benefits: savings and land they bought back when they'd be paid $20/hour to do the job we're doing now!"  Since America would by then have 100+ million people, mostly recent immigrants, who're making less than $15K/year, this sentiment would be very popular.  "The rich people owe us", they would say.  Why should some childless American couple have this big house all to themselves, when we, five families with a total of 30 kids, have less living space than they do!"  Etc, etc, etc.

The riots won't begin all at once, but once they do they'll accelerate, and, since guns are legal, will become ever more deadly.  Factory owners will have to hire security to protect both their factories from sabotage and their workers from the angry mobs of the unemployed.  The more violence increases, the worse the economy becomes; and the worse the economy becomes, the more violence increases - the textbook collapse of any country that finds itself having a lot of angry poor people.

America falls further and further behind other nations as various Communist (the "Reds") and anti-Communist (the "Whites") fractions gain local power and fight each-other for broader control.  After several years of mass chaos and civil war, the rich will come to see that continuing to fund the Whites is a lost cause, and will instead pay an arm and a leg to immigrate their families to Japan, which kept its immigration merit-based and built zipper-attaching robots a long time ago - and in fact are making their zippers from an alloy mined in the asteroid belt and smelted by throwing it in close orbit of the sun.  Japan's scientific innovations in the field of SDI prove especially useful as newly Communist America tries to use its nukes as leverage in negotiating the price on imports of Venus-grown rice to feed its starving masses.  In the end, the leaders of America, and all other poor countries in the world, are forced to resort to drastic measures to maintain their hold on power, which some going as far as instituting zero-child policies and evacuating whole parts of their country to sell to the Japanese.

Open borders and free flow of people are good values to have, and in many cases they have utilitarian benefits, but not when taken to extreme.  In a contest between blind idealism and pragmatism, in this fairytale symbolized by Japan, pragmatism will win out in the long run.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 11, 2008, 08:52:55 AM
Not if they have no incentive to come here seeking welfare. Then only the responsible and productive people will have any reason to arrive.

There's more to this than just "Welfare" as we know it today, there are the underlying reasons why Welfare was created in the first place, and it cannot be taken away at a stroke of a pen without taking care of those underlying reasons first or the results would be many times more devastating.  Many western countries suffered political revolutions mid-way into their entry into the so-called "Industrial Revolution".  Those revolutions didn't happen because Karl Marx was such a smartie, they happened because the mob of poor people decided it was easier to loot and pillage than to work their way up through the capitalist system (which admittedly wasn't very fair in those countries and was failing to reform itself, but the revolutions can still happen under the fairest of systems).  That's why we have welfare: it costs us less than the damage the mob of angry poor people would cause.

Poor people are dangerous, especially in large quantities, and especially if they are jealous of what you have.  True, they have very painful and difficult lives, but everything is relative - compared to our uncivilized ancestors just 5000 years ago their lives are pretty darn good.  Gather round, little pro-open-border kiddies, Uncle Alex will tell you a story of how our world might end up in the future:

Imagine a poor person living among other poor people in Indonesia working 60 hours a week attaching zippers to jeans for $3000 a year, which is what the actual value of his labor is on the open market.  He is pretty content - he can buy his daily bread, send his children to school, and maybe even buy a used television set.  He knows there are rich people somewhere out there, but they are too far away to be angry at, and all of his neighbors live just as well as he does in a poor but happy little community.  If they do decide to "beat the rich" and go Communist, so goes Indonesia - the few rich Indonesians flee, and Indonesians find themselves in the middle of a war zone making $500 a year - not that big a loss to the world economy.

Now imagine America has open borders and no socialist government policies.  Someone tells this jeans zipper attacher guy that he could make $10,000 a year doing the same work in America, with the increase in salary being due to lower density of cheap labor there (though obviously not as much as before) and also a much larger sales market, which means lower shipping costs for the company.  He saves up for a $500 passage for his family on a cargo boat (or buys it on credit), arrives in LA, and indeed does get a job for $10,000 a year.  Land costs a lot more, obviously, but his family can rent a cheap room in some cheap housing project too crummy to be allowed to be built back when there was government regulation.  He misses his old village and its community, but hey, American dream, right?  He works just as hard as he did in Indonesia, makes more money, but for some reason he just isn't happy.

He sees all those rich Americans, most of whom hate him for bring down their own wages.  Those people have all the luck - they had free education, tremendous economic protectionism, etc...  But now that the playing field is leveled, they're angry at him.  He has to join a gang of other Indonesian jeans factory workers for his own protection, and in that gang he hears things: "Americans don't deserve what they have!  They still have many economic benefits: savings and land they bought back when they'd be paid $20/hour to do the job we're doing now!"  Since America would by then have 100+ million people, mostly recent immigrants, who're making less than $15K/year, this sentiment would be very popular.  "The rich people owe us", they would say.  Why should some childless American couple have this big house all to themselves, when we, five families with a total of 30 kids, have less living space than they do!"  Etc, etc, etc.

The riots won't begin all at once, but once they do they'll accelerate, and, since guns are legal, will become ever more deadly.  Factory owners will have to hire security to protect both their factories from sabotage and their workers from the angry mobs of the unemployed.  The more violence increases, the worse the economy becomes; and the worse the economy becomes, the more violence increases - the textbook collapse of any country that finds itself having a lot of angry poor people.

America falls further and further behind other nations as various Communist (the "Reds") and anti-Communist (the "Whites") fractions gain local power and fight each-other for broader control.  After several years of mass chaos and civil war, the rich will come to see that continuing to fund the Whites is a lost cause, and will instead pay an arm and a leg to immigrate their families to Japan, which kept its immigration merit-based and built zipper-attaching robots a long time ago - and in fact are making their zippers from an alloy mined in the asteroid belt and smelted by throwing it in close orbit of the sun.  Japan's scientific innovations in the field of SDI prove especially useful as newly Communist America tries to use its nukes as leverage in negotiating the price on imports of Venus-grown rice to feed its starving masses.  In the end, the leaders of America, and all other poor countries in the world, are forced to resort to drastic measures to maintain their hold on power, which some going as far as instituting zero-child policies and evacuating whole parts of their country to sell to the Japanese.

Open borders and free flow of people are good values to have, and in many cases they have utilitarian benefits, but not when taken to extreme.  In a contest between blind idealism and pragmatism, in this fairytale symbolized by Japan, pragmatism will win out in the long run.

Your runaway scenario, like all statist scaremongering fables about how trends, that if allowed to continue, will lead to doom, always fail to consider the self limiting effect of these trends that happens when the market is allowed to operate freely.

You keep failing to address this and other criticisms of state intervention that I have already brought up,
Immigrants will only come here as long as there is a great enough benefit to their presence here to overcome our greater cost of living and we will only offer them jobs and business opportunities which give immigrants incomes sufficient to overcome these costs if doing so improves our own standards of living. It's a self limiting process. When the costs of living here start to outweigh the benefits, then migration will start to flow in the opposite direction.

If you're worried about state welfare programs upsetting this balance, well, even state welfare is a self limiting process. If the burden becomes too noticeable, then there will be a justifiable demand to remove immigrants from state welfare, and if too many immigrants find a way to work around this obstacle by becoming citizens, then there will be a justifiable demand to limit or even stop the naturalization process.

except to say that they would start a revolution if their numbers become too large.

This fails to address the fact that if their numbers are large it will only be because they find it desirable to stay here and are getting a footing on the ladder of upward mobility for themselves and especially for their children.

It also fails to address that being forbidden to participate in state educational and welfare schemes, they would be free to set up their own free market voluntary governing agencies, both charitable and for profit, to provide necessary services for their immigrant communities.

Before long, they will be forming their own businesses and starting to out compete  established Americans in their productivity, creativity and independence, forcing us to either emulate their virtues or become irrelevant has-beens.

You also fail to address that immigrants will not be a scary monolithic group that could take us over, but would consist of many different and separate communities, that would be in competition with each other to show that their respective groups have the most worthy cultural heritage to proudly share with their adopted homeland. A competitive-cooperative balance and harmony would be the result, especially since there would be no state subsidies or privileges for them to fight over.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 11, 2008, 11:11:02 AM
You underestimate the people's desire to come to America, even if it is to make $1500 a year instead of $1000.  There are 6.5+ billion people in this world, most of whom are much poorer than you or I, and the number of them who'd be willing to drop everything and come to America is very high.  The average beggar in NYC clears several dozen times more money per day than what the poorest billion of people in the world are living on!  And with all the container ships going between our coasts and the third world, the price of basic passage is fairly accessible even to the poorest of the poor, especially if they can get a micro-credit loan to pay off after they get here.

And you overestimate the limiting factors, such as the cost of living.  Lack of government regulation when it comes to real estate is probably a good thing, but it would allow for people to live very cheaply in shanty towns or, more likely, private "workers' residence" ghettos built by businesses sponsoring the importation of cheap labor.  I'm not against all those things in of themselves, but I do believe that they would sooner or later lead to political instability and socialism.  Thus is human nature: people who can barely afford to feed their children will always feel justified to rob the rich.

Hopefully 2-3 generations from now all parts of the world will experience sufficient economic growth where mobs of angry poor people will no longer be as much of a threat, but until then - we need some limits on immigration.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: timmysoboy on March 11, 2008, 11:32:23 AM
When it comes to immigration, I'm all for it.  It's not because of any 'good of the nation' bull shit that seems to be on everyone's mind (not just saying on this board, but in politics in general).  I'm all for immigration because who the fuck am I to say where people can and can not live.  Course I don't really believe in boarders...
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 11, 2008, 11:38:57 AM
When it comes to immigration, I'm all for it.  It's not because of any 'good of the nation' bull shit that seems to be on everyone's mind (not just saying on this board, but in politics in general).  I'm all for immigration because who the fuck am I to say where people can and can not live.  Course I don't really believe in boarders...

That's all fine and dandy in a libertarian utopia.

But we're forced to foot the bill for the leeching fuckers in the meantime.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: timmysoboy on March 11, 2008, 12:26:02 PM
Yeah, dude, that kinda blows.  I hope I can find a job someday that doesn't require me to pay income tax.  That way I've got NOTHING to complain about.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: BKO on March 11, 2008, 01:26:47 PM
Bonerjoe hits the nail on the head. +++

And I was only joking about the smallpox.

The FTL crowd, and Libertarians who tout open borders as being important and necessary are only using that platform to gain support for their agendas, which include utopian rhetoric and fantastic stories to incorporate wonderful, considerate, kind people and expecting the rest of humanity to magically follow suit. The plain reality of it all is that the world is full of deceitful, hateful, lazy, jealous morons who care nothing for Liberty and only want a handout and a free ride. Enter, stage left: Mexicans.

Right now most of you do not recognize the threat that millions of immigrants impose; immigrants who fly the red, white, and green flag and despise the evil white man. These are people who can quickly outnumber traditional Americans (who come from all over the world) who have already learned what liberty is and that it must be constantly maintained. These Mexican immigrants are tools to be controlled by every tyrant in a political office because they offer something that they want more than freedom.

The same can be said for the rest of the American citizenry, with one key exception: they learn at an early age what the constitution is, they know that this is a government OF the people. Mexican immigrants, especially the illegals do not seem to care about our traditions, our heritage, our rights. And as Badnarik once said, "how do you expect to defend your rights if you don't even know what they are?"

And now comes the typical anarcho-capitalist response: "your government is not legitimate and why should I defend traditional authority?" Look motherfuckers, you arrived at this juncture on the backs of your fucked up -we fucked up. It doesn't mean that you now have a free ticket to scrutinize a minarchy gone wrong and pretend to be an expert of social constructs. When you fail at something, you either learn from your mistakes or you continue to suck shit and die. It doesn't mean that you scrap the whole campaign and come up with ridiculous theories as if the whole country were your personal Sim City paradise. It doesn't work that fucking way.

Right now, we could far more easily rebuild our republic (which has been transformed into a democracy, or more accurately defined, a constitutional dictatorship) and establish a working minarchy by learning from our mistakes of the past than to spend countless eons arguing over the idiocy of regurgitated playtime dreams which only anarchists and children can agree upon.

And damnit, now you've gone and made me type all that shit again. I believe that I shall blame the Mexicans. Yes, that will do nicely.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Harry Tuttle on March 11, 2008, 01:49:26 PM

The FTL crowd, and Libertarians who tout open borders as being important and necessary are only using that platform to gain support for their agendas, which include utopian rhetoric and fantastic stories to incorporate wonderful, considerate, kind people and expecting the rest of humanity to magically follow suit. The plain reality of it all is that the world is full of deceitful, hateful, lazy, jealous morons who care nothing for Liberty and only want a handout and a free ride. Enter, stage left: Mexicans.

You have it backwards. Libertarians don't expect everyone to be good people. We want to be free to choose not to do business with evil people.  *Note: I don't claim to be the elected spokesperson for all libertarians*

You live in a fantasy world where we will somehow magically get honest, competent, politicians who will suddenly start running our lives in a just way. That is never going to happen. The only thing that will stop freeloaders from leeching off of our free giveaways is to stop the free giveaways.

Too many deceitful, hateful, lazy, jealous morons are already here and aren't Mexicans. I say we allow hard-working, good people in. What separates them from the bad? My freedom to choose with whom I associate.

Full disclosure: I'm married to a woman who was born in Mexico, migrated here, works hard as a highly specialized professional, and is probably taking work away from a less competent person who was naturally born here. She didn't need to lower her billing rate to get the job.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 11, 2008, 08:28:49 PM
You underestimate the people's desire to come to America, even if it is to make $1500 a year instead of $1000.  There are 6.5+ billion people in this world, most of whom are much poorer than you or I, and the number of them who'd be willing to drop everything and come to America is very high.  The average beggar in NYC clears several dozen times more money per day than what the poorest billion of people in the world are living on!  And with all the container ships going between our coasts and the third world, the price of basic passage is fairly accessible even to the poorest of the poor, especially if they can get a micro-credit loan to pay off after they get here.

That's ridiculous! If they were only worth $1500 per annum, they wouldn't be able to afford to stay here. They would have no choice but to go back and it's unlikely, given those circumstances, that they would come in the first place.

And you overestimate the limiting factors, such as the cost of living.  Lack of government regulation when it comes to real estate is probably a good thing, but it would allow for people to live very cheaply in shanty towns or, more likely, private "workers' residence" ghettos built by businesses sponsoring the importation of cheap labor.  I'm not against all those things in of themselves, but I do believe that they would sooner or later lead to political instability and socialism.  Thus is human nature: people who can barely afford to feed their children will always feel justified to rob the rich.

Low level jobs and "sweat shops" have always been the first stepping stone on the path to upward mobility. Stripping immigrants of state welfare benefits and political power leaves them with only one avenue to improve their lives; education, hard work, savings and entrepreneurship.

Riots, robbery and other criminal activities would only serve to get them fired and/or deported. If conditions became that bad, many would leave on their own.

Hopefully 2-3 generations from now all parts of the world will experience sufficient economic growth where mobs of angry poor people will no longer be as much of a threat, but until then - we need some limits on immigration.

Immigrants are individuals of above average ambition seeking a better life, not an angry mob of invaders, who would rightly be repelled with defensive force. The only proper precaution to take with respect to immigration policy is to remove all incentives for parasitical behavior.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 12, 2008, 05:25:08 AM
Hey markuzick, what countries have you been to in your lifetime?  A nice tour of the third world, especially the parts still stuck in socialism because that seems to be the best those people are capable of, would knock that irrational faith right out of you.  Not that you'd need to go very far - every single Russian / Ukrainian immigrant I know in NJ is involved in some serious welfare / Medicaid fraud!  A mere plane / train / boat ticket (the prices for which will be falling ever lower) could transport a person from a socialist country to your open-border utopia, but it takes a lot more than that to take socialism out of a person!

The homeless bum who made his way to Manhattan might have higher ambitions compared to the homeless bum sleeping in the woods of West Virginia, but what benefit does he bring to the city?  What if there was 50 thousand bums like that crowding into Manhattan?  What if there was 50 million?  It won't happen of course, but what mechanism would stop it?  Precisely the mechanism that you're trying to take away!

Immigration works very well when the strongest and bravest of any country come to America ready to fight for their place in the sun and integrate into the established functional middle-class society.  The "give us your tired, your poor" crap is socialist propaganda.  The people who've become successful in America are not representative of the 6.5 billion people on this planet.

Take away natural selection, and you get cancer-like growth and then collapse.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Harry Tuttle on March 13, 2008, 12:31:04 AM
Here's my stance on welfare. I think there should be a small safety net for the general public. BUT... That safety net should only be applied only to disabled people and those people must provide proof that they are not physically capable of working. I think the current welfare system can do a lot of trimming and that would also benefit the tax payer as well. Right now it is just too vulnerable to too many fraudsters.

The best safety net would be provided by people who actually care enough about their fellow humans to provide it and are allowed to seek assurances that they are not being defrauded. If the person who is helping others can take as much as he wants from his fellow man then where is the motivation to make sure he is not helping someone who doesn't deserve it.

Take charity out of the hands of the power hungry.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 13, 2008, 12:32:30 AM
Here's my stance on welfare. I think there should be a small safety net for the general public. BUT... That safety net should only be applied only to disabled people and those people must provide proof that they are not physically capable of working. I think the current welfare system can do a lot of trimming and that would also benefit the tax payer as well. Right now it is just too vulnerable to too many fraudsters.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 13, 2008, 01:03:17 AM
By the way, I'm talking about trimming down the current system. Getting rid of all the leaching scum-bums is already by itself an improvement.

Why not let charity help the charity cases?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 13, 2008, 01:16:57 AM
Why not let charity help the charity cases?

I agree with that. Here's the thing... I think by having welfare directed only towards the severely disabled is the only way to get the majority of the people in the U.S. to agree on the welfare trimming. That's the only way you can get at least half of the socialists to shut up about it. Go ahead, try telling them you want to get rid of welfare completely... Let's see Ron Paul run with that issue. I don't remember him doing that.

Why not get rid of all welfare? The socialists aren't going to agree to your plan anyways.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Harry Tuttle on March 13, 2008, 01:23:03 AM
Right now, I don't think there are enough of private organizations or "fellow humans" that help the severely disabled. I also don't want to go down the road where we have them rotting to death in their homes.

But what do you base that opinion on? I'm surrounded by people who willingly help others every day. I used to participate in an adult literacy program. My father-in-law, on his tiny pension with no money to spare, still can't walk by a person who is holding out his hand.

I submit to you, sir, that the government is stealing valuable resources from generous people everywhere and is cutting the legs out from under private charities - whilst simultaneously encouraging leeches by providing countless programs to give away money to those who do not need it.

That's the principal of it.

I agree with that. Here's the thing... I think by having welfare directed only towards the severely disabled is the only way to get the majority of the people in the U.S. to agree on the welfare trimming. That's the only way you can get at least half of the socialists to shut up about it. Go ahead, try telling them you want to get rid of welfare completely... Let's see Ron Paul run with that issue. I don't remember him doing that.

I do agree that the "how to get there from here" is tricky. I think in the spirit of Ron Paul's other opinions he would probably suggest "grandfathering" people already on these programs and funding them with funds freed-up from savings by slashing the heavy crap programs.

Why not get rid of all welfare? The socialists aren't going to agree to your plan anyways.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: jimmed on March 13, 2008, 01:42:32 AM
You might just get a good portion to agree. Compare that number to the number of people that would agree on getting rid of welfare altogether.

The only way they will agree is when it's forced on them.

Daydreams do not equal reality.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 13, 2008, 04:53:00 AM
Hey markuzick, what countries have you been to in your lifetime?  A nice tour of the third world, especially the parts still stuck in socialism because that seems to be the best those people are capable of, would knock that irrational faith right out of you.  Not that you'd need to go very far - every single Russian / Ukrainian immigrant I know in NJ is involved in some serious welfare / Medicaid fraud!  A mere plane / train / boat ticket (the prices for which will be falling ever lower) could transport a person from a socialist country to your open-border utopia, but it takes a lot more than that to take socialism out of a person!

The homeless bum who made his way to Manhattan might have higher ambitions compared to the homeless bum sleeping in the woods of West Virginia, but what benefit does he bring to the city?  What if there was 50 thousand bums like that crowding into Manhattan?  What if there was 50 million?  It won't happen of course, but what mechanism would stop it?  Precisely the mechanism that you're trying to take away!

Immigration works very well when the strongest and bravest of any country come to America ready to fight for their place in the sun and integrate into the established functional middle-class society.  The "give us your tired, your poor" crap is socialist propaganda.  The people who've become successful in America are not representative of the 6.5 billion people on this planet.

Take away natural selection, and you get cancer-like growth and then collapse.

You are very dishonest to cut that quote in a way that completely changes its meaning. It actually goes, "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free...".

It's also dishonest of you to make an irrational post like this as an answer to my proposal to remove any incentive for the parasitical type of immigration to take place.

If you're going to make replies, then try addressing what you're replying to. Non-responsive, repetitive speeches that evade the issues in dispute, simply don't cut it as a sincere reply.

Your whole approach to this issue is a perfect example of extreme knee jerk statism. Using your type of statist logic, the fact that there are so many businesses that feed at the public trough means that we should prohibit the formation of any new businesses, until the day comes that we get rid of corporate welfare, business subsidies, state licencing and regulations that restrict competition and environmental regulations that permit polluting businesses to be exempt from being sued by victims whose health and/or property is damaged by them.

Why aren't you a statist on this issue too?

I know that you're smart enough to see the parallels between the "logic" of your position and, not only my "new business" example, but all other statist positions.

Keep up with this inconsistency and keep replying evasively and it will soon be obvious that you're a xenophobe. Skeptical beliefs about the subject of immigration does not make you a xenophobe, but evasiveness and inconsistency in the application of logic that continue unabated and unanswered for, when they are pointed out, would indicate that you are.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 13, 2008, 10:30:04 AM
That part of the quote is a complete wildcard - anyone could claim to be "longing to be free", because the English language has merged a dozen different concepts into that one word.  Is it national freedom, religious freedom, financial freedom, freedom from poverty, freedom from having to work hard, or just some free beer?  Well, I've met a lot of immigrants who couldn't care less about political freedoms, to them welfare is freedom.

I already told you half-a-dozen times that you fail to propose a realistic scenario for having open borders without this country becoming politically unstable as it goes from having a mostly-middle-class to a mostly-poor population.

I'm not a xenophobe, I'm a poor-people-phobe.  There has never been a free society without a dominant middle class.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Arsenic on March 13, 2008, 01:04:41 PM
All this reminds me of the time I got in a shouting match with my little sister because I told her I support uncontrolled open immigration, I welcome anyone into the country and you shouldn't be in huge legal trouble just because you came in a certain way.

Viva La Open Immigration
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 13, 2008, 06:49:41 PM
That part of the quote is a complete wildcard - anyone could claim to be "longing to be free", because the English language has merged a dozen different concepts into that one word.  Is it national freedom, religious freedom, financial freedom, freedom from poverty, freedom from having to work hard, or just some free beer?  Well, I've met a lot of immigrants who couldn't care less about political freedoms, to them welfare is freedom.

I already told you half-a-dozen times that you fail to propose a realistic scenario for having open borders without this country becoming politically unstable as it goes from having a mostly-middle-class to a mostly-poor population.

I'm not a xenophobe, I'm a poor-people-phobe.  There has never been a free society without a dominant middle class.

Well, you at least admit that your opinion is based on phobia and so is, therefore, based on irrational fear.

This is further evidenced by the fact that response still fails to address anything that I've said, except in the vaguest possible terms:

I already told you half-a-dozen times that you fail to propose a realistic scenario for having open borders without this country becoming politically unstable as it goes from having a mostly-middle-class to a mostly-poor population.

There is no logic or evidence to support such a broad statement. It also implies that you are purposely ignoring my explanation of how free market incentives, if not undermined by perverse state mandated incentives, is self correcting in a way that prevents such gross imbalances in population shifts from occurring.

You also failed to address my argument that since state interference in every single form of human endeavour can create potential disaster, then by your logic, as applied to immigration, all human endeavors should be outlawed or highly regulated by the state until such time as there is no more state.

This means that while you prefer no state, you advocate total slavery to the state for as long as there is a state.

Do you expect to be taken seriously?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 13, 2008, 07:30:18 PM
It's like talking to a wall...
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 14, 2008, 03:51:32 AM
It's like talking to a wall...

I am the wall that blocks your attempt to get away with evading questions by your tactic of non-responsive, repetitive answers. I know you'd rather talk to the mirror, but try addressing a single point.

You have nothing to fear from the truth. Do not confuse your prejudices or your errors with your identity or you will become what you most loath.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: AntonLee on March 14, 2008, 06:33:09 AM
I love how the southern fence just happened to get a truck sized hole in it.

trying to stop them is fucking stupid, and a neocon thing to do.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 14, 2008, 06:46:11 AM
I've heard and addressed your faith-based "free market will change all human nature at once" argument many times.  In reality, free market only works among rational people who agree to respect each-other's natural rights and not to initiate violence, that is in a society that goes through natural selection to reduce the number of people who'd whack you on the head and steal your wallet.  Free market didn't help my great-grandparents in Russia when Communists came to take away their property, and they won't help you if a gang of well-armed Communists come to take away yours.  Or are you about to tell me that this land is inherently magical and Communism is impossible here even if same economic conditions are created?

To wrap this up, let's review our immigration disagreement as I sees it:

Things we probably don't disagree on:

Things we do disagree on:

You seem to be unwilling to re-examine your faith-based assumptions in light of many historical examples of mobs of poor people destabilizing societies and throwing them into violent chaos and communist dictatorship.  You seem to be unwilling to examine the nature of the current "Welfare state" that was created in modern first-world countries to prevent this outcome.  You only see an image of the free-market utopia you've imagined, and you want to transport yourself to that utopia in an instant flight of fantasy, without solving the long chain of challenges that need to be resolved in order to make that utopia possible in the real world.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Andy on March 14, 2008, 03:42:23 PM
I'd go so far as to say that the only way a reasonable degree of freedom can be maintained under the state for anything like the foreseeable future, is a republic with limited immigration and probably also a restricted franchise.

Of course this is probably impossible, and we're better of considering the not so foreseeable future.

Oh, and Anton when you call immigration restriction a "neocon thing to do" you are offering further proof that whatever meaning that word had is long gone.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 15, 2008, 03:05:22 AM
I've heard and addressed your faith-based "free market will change all human nature at once" argument many times.

The free market doesn't change human nature. It is simply the best system, given the attributes of human nature and the flexibility required in order to adapt to changing conditions and needs.

In fact, if you weren't taking a statist position on this issue, you would be the first to admit that the free market is the only system that doesn't attempt to "change human nature at once" or in any time frame at all.

In reality, free market only works among rational people who agree to respect each-other's natural rights and not to initiate violence, that is in a society that goes through natural selection to reduce the number of people who'd whack you on the head and steal your wallet.  Free market didn't help my great-grandparents in Russia when Communists came to take away their property, and they won't help you if a gang of well-armed Communists come to take away yours.  Or are you about to tell me that this land is inherently magical and Communism is impossible here even if same economic conditions are created?

If you want to prevent an invasion of parasites, then you simply remove the incentive for them to arrive or to stay here:

1. No state welfare, education, medical care or housing for non-citizens.

2. No more naturalized citizens.

Government services and regulations that benefit the poor are bad for the economy.  [Examples of such "services" include Welfare (both personal and corporate to "protect" jobs), Food Stamps, agricultural subsidies that lower cost of some basic food items, various programs that help pay the rent and energy bills, subsidized water / sewage / roads to bring down real-estate costs in poor neighborhoods, etc.  Examples of such regulations include hospital emergency room mandates, minimum wage and other employment laws, etc.]

While getting rid of these things for citizens is probably not politically feasible in the near future, eliminating them for aliens would be easy; much easier than building walls and requiring state approval for anyone who wants the "privilege" to work, rent or drive.

Most of the ~6.2 billion non-Americans in this world are poor, and with no entry restrictions most of the people coming to this country would be poor, and their presence in our society would put very strong (but irrational) political pressure to expand those services to the point of collapse.

Wrong. If we were foolish enough to open the door to unrestricted immigration without first removing the availability of state health, education and welfare programs to aliens ( very unlikely), then, given the problems that this foolish policy would cause, the political pressure to remove these programs for aliens would be overwhelming.
You want America to become the only country in the world with truly open borders, and you want it done ASAP, as in right now.  I believe this should be phased in over many decades, and will probably take most of the 21st century, and we need merit-based immigration quotas in the meantime.

While this is probably the most that we can expect and that's being optimistic, it is still wrong. Making it "merit" based only makes it more unjust and has the politically destabilizing effect of creating an over-class of aliens who use citizens to preform their menial labor. This is a sure recipe for disaster.

You seem to have irrational faith that all people, or at least most people in this world, are basically good, and would respect your property rights and work hard within the capitalist system.  History shows otherwise: most countries in the world have had or have been on the verge of a communist revolution, and having the right to bear arms would only make this revolution more probable and more bloody.  The only countries not to go communist were the wealthiest of countries, that didn't have too many poor people they could not control, and the countries where the communists were fought back through interventionism by those wealthy countries.

You have this prejudice that foreigners are somehow inferior to us and that even after going through the self screening process of having the courage to start a new life in an alien environment, that they will remain a poor and exploited underclass, too stupid to advance themselves and seething with resentment.

This is not representative of the behavior of immigrants to countries that have freedom of commerce and no state handouts.

You seem to think that the immigrant success stories you've heard thus-far are representative of the types of immigrants we'd get if we had open borders.  The truth is that there has been a lot of natural selection in the immigration process.  I've been through the immigration process myself - I was only 10 years old then, but I still understood how difficult it was for my parents to make it here.  It took years to get an exit visa from Russia, and we only got it because we were ethnic Jews and had a huge lobby campaigning for us in Washington, and my uncle was living here (he got out around 1979, when USSR wanted to prevent the West's boycott of the Moscow Olympics by letting some Jews out of the country).  Getting permission to enter the country was also very difficult.  My mother coached me very carefully on what to say when I was interviewed - to denounce Communism, to say my parents always have been dissidents, etc.  Immigration would be next to impossible for your average Russian, if it wasn't half of Russia would be here by now.  Yes, the ones who voted 80% for Putin, with the rest of the votes going to Communists and Fascists.  Most people in the world have exactly the government that they deserve (with the exception of countries like Taiwan and South Korea, where America imposed a better government than then deserve).  Some might behave differently in America, but from my experience in observing different kinds of immigrants I believe that most would not.

As you already admitted, most ex-Soviet immigrants are milking the system. The way to eliminate this problem is a policy of open immigration which, in itself, will necessitate the elimination of statist programs and naturalized citizenship for aliens. Those who do not behave in a civilized manor will either not make it here and leave on their own or their behavior will get them deported.

You have irrational faith in the idea that other self-interested nations won't exploit America's open borders for their gain.  Remember, just a few decades ago the nations of this world were on the verge of nuking each-other, and nationalism is still very strong in places like Russia, China, and the Middle East.  If Russians (or, more likely, the Chinese) came to be in majority in Alaska, would it remain part of America for long?

If they could come here and make a life for themselves without any help (actually interference) from the state, they would become the most patriotic Americans of all, especially because they were welcomed free men and not citizen-slaves to the state.

You have irrational faith in the idea that all the socialist government programs can be done away with overnight, and you make your arguments as if you have a magic wand that would do so.  But in reality there is no magic wand, and getting rid of socialism in this country would be very difficult.  If you crunch the numbers, you will see that the bulk of people opposing socialism in this country are middle-class and have been here for many generations, while most immigrants vote for more socialism.  There are exceptions, of course - the non-socialist immigrants, that is precisely the ones we should selectively allow into this country.

With an open immigration policy, aliens cannot be allowed to participate in socialist programs, nor to become citizens.
You seem to have irrational faith that socialism is the work of the devil and once it's cast out it will stay out for good.  The reality is that it takes perpetual vigilance to keep any country from going socialist, and in order for that to happen the people of that country need to be taught to understand capitalism and why it is good and why socialism is bad.  In order words, the core culture of this country needs to be protected, which is impossible if you have open borders.

Because of the environment for aliens that is necessarily engendered by an open immigration policy, it is the aliens who through necessity and the familiarity brought about by daily exposure to the realities of the marketplace, will be first to understand and appreciate capitalism. It is from the aliens that the citizens will learn.

As an aside...  You claim to be a "Pro-Lifer" - does that mean you support a prohibition on abortion, with the state enforcing criminal laws on women and doctors who have or perform abortions?  That sounds far, far more totalitarian than my proposal of long-term gradualism in opening the borders...

I believe that after about three months, the unborn child has a functional nervous system and sufficient human attributes to possibly be considered a person. If there's any doubt about this proposition, then I believe that it is better to err on the side of caution where the life of a person is involved."First, do no harm."

We don't need a state in order to have governments that protect people from murder, but if there is a state that monopolises the use of force, then I see no reason why laws against murder are more totalitarian if they protect everyone equally.

You seem to be unwilling to re-examine your faith-based assumptions in light of many historical examples of mobs of poor people destabilizing societies and throwing them into violent chaos and communist dictatorship.  You seem to be unwilling to examine the nature of the current "Welfare state" that was created in modern first-world countries to prevent this outcome.  You only see an image of the free-market utopia you've imagined, and you want to transport yourself to that utopia in an instant flight of fantasy, without solving the long chain of challenges that need to be resolved in order to make that utopia possible in the real world.

Underclasses and unstable groups with greater inclination toward criminality and gang behavior are the result of the oppression and perverse incentives of the state. The typical statist "solution" to state caused problems are more state interference, leading to further, more difficult, problems. Open immigration, for the reasons I outlined above, is an important way to reverse this destructive, anti-liberty process.

Just as you make a statist argument for immigration regulations, you could also make an even scarier argument for population control regulations, environmental regulations, business regulations, agricultural regulations, racial regulations, employment regulation or medical regulations.

The list is endless, but all these arguments have one thing in common and that is that all state regulations, which are miserable failures at bringing about their objectives and which all have unintended consequences, fail to take into account the self correcting (self regulating) nature of the free market.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 15, 2008, 05:00:04 AM
You want America to become the only country in the world with truly open borders, and you want it done ASAP, as in right now.  I believe this should be phased in over many decades, and will probably take most of the 21st century, and we need merit-based immigration quotas in the meantime.

While this is probably the most that we can expect and that's being optimistic, it is still wrong.

If you agree with me that it would probably take the rest of the 21st century to get rid of existing socialism in this country (and, in my opinion, to get rid of the extreme poverty in the third world that makes them prone to socialism, which is the other prerequisite to having open borders), then our disagreement is simply a matter of fantasy vs reality.  I'm talking about a realistic vision for bringing this about, and you're fantasising about your magic wand...

Making it "merit" based only makes it more unjust and has the politically destabilizing effect of creating an over-class of aliens who use citizens to preform their menial labor. This is a sure recipe for disaster.

Uh oh, now you're afraid of merit-based immigration because Americans can't compete with the world's best and brightest?  Who's the xenophobe now, ha?

The truth is America has always had a crude merit-based immigration system: in took health and courage and some money to make it here.  This only changed when powerful lobbying groups started saying "no more Chinamen" or "more Jews please" (though sadly not in time for the Holocaust), and it deteriorated further when the majority of the immigrants started simply walking in from the south.  I ask again, why should some Che-worshiping manual laborer from Latin America have this advantage over an objectivist Ph.D from India?

And, yes, Joe Sixpack will have to work harder to compete with the new immigrants, that's life.  But that doesn't mean the dumbest guy always has to do the dishes at minimum wage as if it was a zero-sum game - absence of cheap uneducated labor encourages labor-saving innovation, dish-washing robots and all!

Model minorities ( have typically been good for the societies they've entered into, and the more of them we get the better.  Malaysia, for example, does have its ethnic tensions with its economically-dominant Chinese minority, but having a long-standing tradition of diversity America is sure to do better, and I would still pick Malaysia over like Venezuella (where poor people = socialism) any day of the week!

I won't bother with all the details of the point-based merit formula, but it would obviously involve education, career history, and other accomplishments, as well as political leanings.  Knowledge of English would be an important component (funny, I remember some liberals I know started learning French after Bush got reelected to increase their chances in Canada).  And anyone caught crying at a Michael Moore movie will be deported immediately - no questions asked, no excuses accepted!

If we cap the immigration numbers at say 0.6% of current population per year, that's at least 87 million new immigrants by 2050, but more in reality because that calculation ignores population growth from natural births (and immigrants have higher birth rates), and there would of course still be some illegal immigration falling through the cracks.  That would start at just under 2 million legal immigrants / refugees a year, and hopefully we could reduce the flow of illegals to under 100,000 a year, compared to 1 mil legal and 0.5 mil illegal we currently get.  That percentage cap can be raised in the future, but we should give "we only like poor immigrants" xenophobes like Markuzick here enough time to adjust...  :lol:

(I may reply further when I have the time.)
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 15, 2008, 06:58:47 AM
If you agree with me that it would probably take the rest of the 21st century to get rid of existing socialism in this country (and, in my opinion, to get rid of the extreme poverty in the third world that makes them prone to socialism, which is the other prerequisite to having open borders), then our disagreement is simply a matter of fantasy vs reality.  I'm talking about a realistic vision for bringing this about, and you're fantasising about your magic wand...

You're fantasizing if you think that you can use socialism to protect the future of liberty.

It's by getting rid of immigration socialism, with the simple expedients of open immigration combined with the exclusion of aliens from socialistic programs, that we can fast track to the embrace of liberty by the citizenry.

Making it "merit" based only makes it more unjust and has the politically destabilizing effect of creating an over-class of aliens who use citizens to preform their menial labor. This is a sure recipe for disaster.
Uh oh, now you're afraid of merit-based immigration because Americans can't compete with the world's best and brightest?  Who's the xenophobe now, ha?

No. It's because it removes balance and creates a situation where immigrants are seen as an exploitative elite. It's not the aliens that I'm afraid of, but the resentment that such an elitist policy would engender against the aliens, as they push them out of their comfortable positions so that there will be someone available to fill the growing need for menial labor in a growing population.

It would also cause an increase in demands for a higher minimum wage, stronger trade unions, laws to protect job security, all kind of government safety nets and progressive taxes.

These are some of the unintended consequences that we will get when we let socialist busybodies regulate our lives "for our own good".
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: BKO on March 16, 2008, 12:50:27 PM
How will the permittance of unrestricted immigration possibly benefit liberty if the immigrants (Mexicans) are unable to procure any liberty of their own? Additionally, what flag would these people fly, ours or theirs? Who would teach them our traditions and our history, or keep them out of being utilized as cannon fodder for some political race war and voting platform? If these immigrants do not even know what the constitution is or what their rights are (as free sovereign citizens of any particular state of the union-if applicable), then how would they ever be expected to defend those rights?

I am sorry, Markuzick. I do not see open borders as a first step being successful or logical in the fight for liberty and freedom. Perhaps later, after liberty has been attained (and that's a long shot) will the open border policy ever become a logical possibility. If we continue to be divided, then any energy spent will be exhausted on petty battles over race and equality or other special interests well before the fight for liberty ever presents itself.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 17, 2008, 04:05:22 AM
We cannot deport America's own home-grown socialists, but lucky for us they're in minority, mainly because of their low birthrates - Darwinism at work I guess.  (Sadly the same thing can be said about Libertarians.  If Ian had four wives and twenty children, I'd respect him a lot more to tell you the truth.  But that's going off-topic.)  We can't deport existing socialists, but at least we can keep new ones from immigrating.  Freedom is a very fragile thing in this world as a whole.  We should be willing to share our freedom (that is, whatever freedom we still have left), but not everyone in the world is worthy of it.  A nation-state, which I said must exist in self-defense from other nation-states like China, is like a giant home-owner's association that can vote on who can or can't move into the neighborhood.  Hopefully a century from now those things will no longer matter, but for now they do.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 19, 2008, 03:08:03 AM
How will the permittance of unrestricted immigration possibly benefit liberty if the immigrants (Mexicans) are unable to procure any liberty of their own?

The constitution, flawed as it may be, guarantees the rights of all people, not just citizens, residing in the USA.

In fact, the resident aliens, by being barred from participation in socialistic programs, are, by default, excused from participating in them or being forced to fund them.

In that sense, aliens would have greater liberty than citizens. The real meaning of liberty is not the right to vote or the right to medical care, education, housing, employment or food at taxpayer's expense. It's the right to be left alone.

Additionally, what flag would these people fly, ours or theirs?

By choosing to live in this jurisdiction, they would be living under the American flag. What flag they fly, if any, is their own business.

Who would teach them our traditions and our history, or keep them out of being utilized as cannon fodder for some political race war and voting platform? If these immigrants do not even know what the constitution is or what their rights are (as free sovereign citizens of any particular state of the union-if applicable), then how would they ever be expected to defend those rights?

By being kept out of the socialist indoctrination system that's known as public education, it's a sure bet that they would fair better than citizens on all of the concerns that you mention above.

I am sorry, Markuzick. I do not see open borders as a first step being successful or logical in the fight for liberty and freedom. Perhaps later, after liberty has been attained (and that's a long shot) will the open border policy ever become a logical possibility. If we continue to be divided, then any energy spent will be exhausted on petty battles over race and equality or other special interests well before the fight for liberty ever presents itself.

So you see immigration socialism as a step on the path toward liberty, but I see greater liberty as a step toward liberty and open immigation as the single most expedient way to get there.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: BKO on March 19, 2008, 03:18:39 AM
Markuzick, you are missing my point entirely, perhaps purposefully. You play with words as though it justifies your beliefs, but you cannot expect your definition of greater liberty to be the sole factor of everything. A Mexican immigrant (illegal) does not support and defend the republic, and though you believe this to be unimportant, it does not erase the fact that this makes them your enemy. You can claim that they have more liberty because they do not have to obey our laws and fall under the jurisdiction of any government, but this also means that they do not support traditional authority or even have to respect your rights to property and life.

And thus, my point is hopefully made clear; you are divided and must now fight a war on two fronts if you ever expect to defeat obtrusive government.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 19, 2008, 03:41:07 AM
We can't deport existing socialists, but at least we can keep new ones from immigrating.

1. They will be coming here to escape socialism, so a far smaller percentage of immigrants than citizens will be likely to be socialists.

2. Those who are socialists will be unable to vote anyway.

3. By being free of subjection to socialist programs and indoctrination, those immigrants that started off with socialist beliefs will soon learn the relative advantage of living with individual responsibility as compared with the hapless citizen who is bred to be a slave. They will be the first to reject socialism and the citizens will learn from and, I hope, follow their example.

Freedom is a very fragile thing in this world as a whole.  We should be willing to share our freedom (that is, whatever freedom we still have left), but not everyone in the world is worthy of it.

Each person's freedom is not yours to share or withhold.

Every person who pursues freedom without the expectation of state welfare and is able to establish  an economic foothold for himself, is more worthy of freedom than someone who has done nothing but get born to the right parents.

A nation-state, which I said must exist in self-defense from other nation-states like China,

By erecting a great wall?  :roll:

is like a giant home-owner's association that can vote on who can or can't move into the neighborhood.  Hopefully a century from now those things will no longer matter, but for now they do.

An association that is forced upon unwilling participants that controls land and people that/whom it has no right to own.

Your philosophy amounts to: "By submitting to slavery today, we will, somehow, reap a windfall of liberty in 100 years."

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on March 19, 2008, 07:33:59 AM
They will be coming here to escape socialism, so a far smaller percentage of immigrants than citizens will be likely to be socialists.

Like Mark pointed out a few shows ago, the Massholes moving north aren't subject to instant conversion on I-93...

Those who are socialists will be unable to vote anyway.

You still don't get it.  Giving people the vote and letting them vote themselves into socialism was done in self-defense to prevent violent revolution.  (Though modern liberals are more likely to achieve the same result through civil disobedience.)  You think politics is some kind of a Sim video game where you can do anything you want with complete disregard for reality.  The reality is that it takes a certain force to keep poor people from whacking you on the head and taking your stuff, and you're trying to weaken that force and sabotage the floodgates keeping billions of poor people out.

A free society is only possible when you have lots of well-educated, armed middle-or-upper-class people and as little poor people around as possible.  The more poor people you have around, the more socialism you need to keep them content.

By being free of subjection to socialist programs and indoctrination, those immigrants that started off with socialist beliefs will soon learn the relative advantage of living with individual responsibility as compared with the hapless citizen who is bred to be a slave. They will be the first to reject socialism and the citizens will learn from and, I hope, follow their example.

Yes, history is filled with examples of majority-poor societies working hard to lift themselves out of poverty, which often takes several generations, with neither colonialism nor socialism nor any other form of violence what-so-ever.  Just look at how well it works in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, South Asia, etc! </SARCASM>  :roll:

Each person's freedom is not yours to share or withhold.  Every person who pursues freedom without the expectation of state welfare and is able to establish an economic foothold for himself, is more worthy of freedom than someone who has done nothing but get born to the right parents.

Yes, but the entire 6.5 billion (and growing) mob of humanity cannot achieve freedom by coming to America!  It is in the best interests of those already living here to let the best of would-be immigrants compete for this privilege, and only let in a reasonable amount every year.  All other first-world countries are doing that, to varying degree of success, and for America to be the only first-world country to open itself to an endless flood of third-world refugees (who don't necessarily love the concept of property rights as much as we do) would be suicide!

By erecting a great wall?  :roll:

If we do enforce immigration limits, the question of the physical wall isn't all that crucial - maybe like 200,000 a year will get in if we have the wall and 300,000 a year if we don't.  If we have open borders, on the other hand...  After a while, the biggest red spot on he population density map would be in North America:

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 19, 2008, 07:44:54 AM
A Mexican immigrant (illegal) does not support and defend the republic, and though you believe this to be unimportant, it does not erase the fact that this makes them your enemy.

1. There will be no illegal immigrants if there is open immigration, except for immigrants deported for committing crimes against people who then manage to sneak back in.

2. Their voluntary choice to come here makes them a more reliable source of people who would be loyal to our society than a citizen that's bred and raised to believe he is a slave.

You can claim that they have more liberty because they do not have to obey our laws and fall under the jurisdiction of any government, but this also means that they do not support traditional authority or even have to respect your rights to property and life.

Where did you come up with this? Aliens have always had to obey the law. To make open immigration possible, they would only be exempt/barred from socialistic health, education and welfare programs and naturalization.

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: BKO on March 19, 2008, 07:53:24 AM
Well that is certainly your opinion, Markuzick. I will not argue over what you believe any longer. If you feel that you can trust a dirt poor immigrant from Mexico over any traditionally grounded American, then go right ahead.

Just don't expect me to make the same mistake. ;)
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 19, 2008, 08:48:06 AM
They will be coming here to escape socialism, so a far smaller percentage of immigrants than citizens will be likely to be socialists.

Like Mark pointed out a few shows ago, the Massholes moving north aren't subject to instant conversion on I-93...

The "Massholes" are citizens. They are entitled to state funded health, education and welfare and they have the right to vote for more of the same. If NH was an independent country and immigrants were exempted/barred from these programs and naturalization, they would make good neighbors or at least the ones still willing to come would be.

Those who are socialists will be unable to vote anyway.

You still don't get it.  Giving people the vote and letting them vote themselves into socialism was done in self-defense to prevent violent revolution.

People who are not oppressed by the laws, regulation and corruption of the state and who have the right to private property do not start violent revolutions. A violent revolution is infinitely more likely to come from an oppressed citizenry.

A free society is only possible when you have lots of well-educated, armed middle-or-upper-class people and as little poor people around as possible.  The more poor people you have around, the more socialism you need to keep them content.

Poor people are citizens who are indoctrinated in statism, oppressed by the state, who are kept on welfare or state employment and kept by monopolistic regulations from starting businesses and accumulating wealth, property or any form of dignity or independence. They are not upwardly mobile, hard working immigrants, no matter how disdainfully you view their meager origins.

By being free of subjection to socialist programs and indoctrination, those immigrants that started off with socialist beliefs will soon learn the relative advantage of living with individual responsibility as compared with the hapless citizen who is bred to be a slave. They will be the first to reject socialism and the citizens will learn from and, I hope, follow their example.

Yes, history is filled with examples of majority-poor societies working hard to lift themselves out of poverty, which often takes several generations, with neither colonialism nor socialism nor any other form of violence what-so-ever.  Just look at how well it works in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, South Asia, etc! </SARCASM>  :roll:

You cannot even give one example of a poor society that has protection of property rights, but then you're off topic anyway, since the subject is immigration. (Your slight of hand trickery isn't working for you. :wink:)

Each person's freedom is not yours to share or withhold.  Every person who pursues freedom without the expectation of state welfare and is able to establish an economic foothold for himself, is more worthy of freedom than someone who has done nothing but get born to the right parents.

Yes, but the entire 6.5 billion (and growing) mob of humanity cannot achieve freedom by coming to America!

No one ever said they could. The optimal level of immigration is not predictable. It would be regulated by market incentives. It's the only rational and moral way to regulate any market, be it the flow of goods or people.

It is in the best interests of those already living here to let the best of would-be immigrants compete for this privilege, and only let in a reasonable amount every year.  All other first-world countries are doing that, to varying degree of success, and for America to be the only first-world country to open itself to an endless flood of third-world refugees (who don't necessarily love the concept of property rights as much as we do) would be suicide!

I've already explained what a disaster that would be, but you still want us to continue to follow the rest of the world toward socialistic suicide, just as much of the rest of the world is finally giving up on socialism as an unmitigated disastrous mistake.

By erecting a great wall?  :roll:
If we do enforce immigration limits, the question of the physical wall isn't all that crucial - maybe like 200,000 a year will get in if we have the wall and 300,000 a year if we don't.  If we have open borders, on the other hand...  After a while, the biggest red spot on he population density map would be in North America:

Again, you fail to consider the self regulating effect of market incentives to maintain an optimal balance. These kinds of predictions, like the predictions of all statist panic mongers from population control advocates to global warming doomsayers, are all baseless speculation and conjecture for the purpose of empowering the state.

The failure of socialistic immigration policy is what leads to illegal immigration and the war against this is what will result in requiring permission of the state to seek employment, a place to live or the right to travel.

I hope you enjoy the slavery that you seek.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: hellbilly on March 21, 2008, 02:04:39 AM
i think this thread is debating an outdated version of the issue - it has gone far beyond this simple concept of a guy sneaking across once and becoming a mooch. so lets start with some recent problems..

so lets say the unauthorized immigrant came across and had his chance at success - but that he raped someone and got arrested and deported for his crime.

what should we do with the same guy when he sneaks across the border for the 2nd or 3rd time? once he has been convicted of raping someone or molesting a child- all we're gonna do is drop him off at the border and hope to catch him next time?

news vid on the topic from AZ:
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: rabidfurby on March 21, 2008, 02:11:17 AM
raping someone or molesting a child

What percentage of rapes and child molestations are done by immigrants, whether legal or illegal?
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on March 21, 2008, 02:27:58 AM
i think this thread is debating an outdated version of the issue - it has gone far beyond this simple concept of a guy sneaking across once and becoming a mooch. so lets start with some recent problems..

so lets say the unauthorized immigrant came across and had his chance at success - but that he raped someone and got arrested and deported for his crime.

what should we do with the same guy when he sneaks across the border for the 2nd or 3rd time? once he has been convicted of raping someone or molesting a child- all we're gonna do is drop him off at the border and hope to catch him next time?

news vid on the topic from AZ:

Maybe he should have been jailed or castrated in the first place, but definitely after the second crossing.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: hellbilly on March 21, 2008, 07:05:22 PM
raping someone or molesting a child

What percentage of rapes and child molestations are done by immigrants, whether legal or illegal?

how the fuck would i know, im not a border/immigration agent. and what does it matter? what percentage constitutes a concern for you? how many is not a concern, and thus acceptable?

but, if you had watched the video you would have heard the number 400.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on May 27, 2008, 01:25:40 PM
Sorry. That was too funny to ignore. Don't bother to call me. I'll call you in the future should I need you for a re-audition to fill a position on my ignore list. (Hint: Next time don't make jokes. You're too good at it. Try debating instead. You really suck at that!)


Too many immigrants would come here waving Che Guevara banners, call us thieves for being rich, and liberate our wealth through force because they have more of a stomach for a fight and less to lose than an average American.  Heck, the average American is half-way brainwashed into socialism (that is "liberal democracy") already!
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on May 28, 2008, 05:14:29 AM
Sorry. That was too funny to ignore. Don't bother to call me. I'll call you in the future should I need you for a re-audition to fill a position on my ignore list. (Hint: Next time don't make jokes. You're too good at it. Try debating instead. You really suck at that!)


Too many immigrants would come here waving Che Guevara banners, call us thieves for being rich, and liberate our wealth through force because they have more of a stomach for a fight and less to lose than an average American.  Heck, the average American is half-way brainwashed into socialism (that is "liberal democracy") already!

Ah Ha! An excellent example of yourself at your suckiest, but you're too good a straw man bigot against which I can practice my rhetoric for me to simply ignore you. That's two strikes!

Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on May 28, 2008, 07:04:58 AM
I myself am convinced that we need a gradual and pragmatic approach to opening the borders, which might even include a "North American Union".  I cannot climb into your brain and see what major malfunction is causing your fanatical idealism.  "Open borders or bust, even if that means the end of capitalism as we know it!"  Well, I hope your stupidity hurts no one but yourself.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: markuzick on May 28, 2008, 08:12:21 AM
I myself am convinced that we need a gradual and pragmatic approach to opening the borders, which might even include a "North American Union".  I cannot climb into your brain and see what major malfunction is causing your fanatical idealism.  "Open borders or bust, even if that means the end of capitalism as we know it!"  Well, I hope your stupidity hurts no one but yourself.

My approach is gradual and pragmatic. The government should open the borders while outlawing all aliens from participating in state run health, education or welfare schemes and ending naturalized citizenship. Then we can watch as the best self motivated and ambitious people, both rich and poor, gradually populate this land, making it, once again, the greatest, richest and freest place on earth, while keeping our best people free of the corrupting temptation of using the state to cater to their special interests.

And: No Alex, my faith in liberty is not stupid. Your faith in socialism is stupid. We don't need socialism to save capitalism from itself.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman on May 28, 2008, 08:27:16 AM
I'm done here.
Title: Re: If we had open borders ...
Post by: Alex Libman 15 on October 05, 2009, 05:31:12 AM
