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Messages - ZakCruiseCarter

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General / Ignite The Spark! Voluntaryism In Action!
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:20:44 AM »
Christina Heller, who made the documentary Libertopia is now working on The Spark - and it's Much More than a film!

The Spark | A Groundbreaking Documentary [Official Trailer]


"At the dawn of the 21st century, America’s spiraling energy consumption hijacks our democracy and gambles our planet’s future. Meanwhile, 50 million Americans live in poverty, while our government stalls behind party lines. How can we break the cycle? The Spark shows a blueprint for realistic, immediate solutions. We follow two rogue pioneers —Dr. Marcin Jakubowski and Nat Turner—whose audacious thinking and radical community empowerment may raise the scaffold of a new American evolution: a healthy, fair, honest culture."


Seeing this film through to completion will be a huge step forward, and I really think our liberty community would be doing ourselves a huge favor if we got behind it and helped make it happen!

Here's two things we can do to help -

1. Sign up for this Thunderclap. It will help The Spark big time. Click the share on fb link (twitter too if you have it). It blasts a message out on June 3rd. No $$ involved.


2. check out their just launched indiegogo and donate


"THE SPARK is a documentary about a genius technologist and a rebel educator, two pioneers from opposite spectrums with one goal in common: Build a sustainable community. Can two men driven by determination overcome global challenges to change the world?"

I believe they can IF we help them! Viva la r3volution! Let's make it Spark!

In Liberty, Zak Carter

General / Could Using UKIP's Strategy Make the LP a Contender?
« on: May 11, 2013, 01:05:23 PM »
Robin Koerner recently gave this speech at Washington State's "Cascade Liberty Summit" and made some great points on how to make liberty and the LP mainstream.

2013 Cascade Liberty Summit: Robin Koerner- Strategies for Liberty

You can keep up with Robin's latest work at http://www.bluerepublican.org/ - https://www.facebook.com/bluerepublican

Super freakin’ awesome comedian Steve Berke - http://www.youtube.com/user/steveberkecomedy - ran for mayor of Miami Beach last year and took an impressive 30% of the vote!  The results were a complete surprise to him and he’s thinking of running again, this time with a plan to win!

Give him a little extra exposure, and give him an upvote at this site - http://cheezburger.com/50000385

Steve Berke is a former pro tennis player, a reality TV star, and a well known stand up comic! Exactly the kind of candidate the liberty movement should be supporting!  A fellow liberty lover that can win!

Keep up with Steve’s latest via his facebook  - https://www.facebook.com/steveberkecomedy

And favorite his campaign site!  http://www.steveberkeformayor.com/home.php

The r3volution can help put him over the top and in office!

Viva la r3volution!

In Liberty, Zak Carter

"Freedom and Healthcare: Is the Libertarian Party In Danger of Becoming Relevant?

You don't have to be a economist to understand why American healthcare has been such a disaster for so long -- and why Obamacare has spectacularly failed to do the one thing that would have solved most of its problems.

Because of a near-evil system in which employers are subsidized to pay health insurance premiums that the consumers of healthcare never pay, the health consumer has no incentive to shop for value. Price competition -- which is the most important mechanism by which the free market makes goods and services affordable -- is therefore eliminated. Care becomes hugely expensive as hospitals charge made-up prices that they know will be paid for by insurance companies. Not only does this system support the practicing of hugely wasteful defensive medicine, but also hospitals take every opportunity to recover from the insurance companies the cost of non-emergency care that government forces them to give for free to others who neither pay for what they use nor have their own insurance.

For the better part of a year, a pro-free-market, pro-liberty, grand-bargain solution to American healthcare has been kicking around my head, but I never wrote it down because it does not reject all government involvement in healthcare, and I rather expected that many of my libertarian readership would be disgusted by what many of them would deem a compromise of principle.

But for a reason that shall become clear, it's now time to share it. It goes something like this.

If you took the American Constitution to the UK and asked the British, "Which major government programs are consistent with the American notion that the purpose of government is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", I'd be prepared to bet that the most common answer would be "The National Health Service", which is Britain's system of socialized healthcare.

To most American conservatives, libertarians and Constitutionalists, this would be anathema. But it wouldn't surprise Liberals.

The Brit, unschooled in the finer points of the Constitution and the Federalist papers, would no doubt point out that the NHS directly saves lives and directly promotes liberty and pursuit of happiness by completely eliminating the possibility of -- and therefore any reason to worry about -- medical bankruptcy. And so, he would say, the NHS is an example of government protection of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

One of the most effective principles for marketing libertarianism is used effectively by Penn Jillette. His standard for the use of government force is as follows. "If I as an individual cannot use force to achieve some ends, then government should not be able to do so either." This is a great way into the politics of liberty because even those who regard themselves as Liberals and Conservatives see it as a god non-ideological starting point to decent and productive discussion about big issues."

Read the rest of the article at - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robin-koerner/freedom-and-healthcare-is_b_3153081.html

Follow Robin Koerner's work here - https://www.facebook.com/bluerepublican

Did you watch the “3rd Party” Presidential debate last year that was hosted by Free and Equal Elections Foundation? The one in Chicago that was moderated by Larry King and watched by an estimated 20 million people? Did you know that debate and the one that followed it were put together on the fly by Christina Tobin and a very small team of people with the simplest of plans?

Our plan was - to A. Get as many cameras there as possible, and B. Line up as many alternative media outlets and organizations as sponsors to help us get the word out there. And it worked! Enough people watched them that it was one of the top trends on twitter the night of the first debate and the next day, and Jimmy Kimmel made fun of us while Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC stated that 3rd party candidates deserved a spot in the national conversation after he watched them, and we were inundated with foreign media reporters wanting to talk to Christina Tobin who previously had no idea there were anything but Democrats and Republicans in America.

Ever so minutely we nudged the national conversation and in a big way we demonstrated that there is a demand for 3rd party candidates and the answers they offer to our nations biggest problems that we weren’t hearing from Obama, Romney and company…

I had the idea that those debates had the potential to be game changers while listening to an attorney talk about how he was going to open the presidential debates via a lawsuit, and I listened to Judge Jim Gray talk about the very same thing recently – I respect you greatly Judge, but I’ve heard of 3rd party lawsuit attempts for as long as I’ve been voting when I turned 18. I’m 40 now, and it’s time to try something different.

We put those 3rd party 2012 debates together in a few months – and now we have a few years to create something truly game changing in 2016.

1. Free and Equal - http://freeandequal.org/?v=1 - is hosting events that will keep the Free and Equal name out there in the public via earned media (local and national) and will both build awareness and serve as a platform to help build interest in our 2016 debates. As we make our case in as many states as possible between now and 2016, not only will be making more people aware of Free and Equal Elections Foundation, the CPD and our flawed electoral system and helping them craft local solutions, we’ll be building our organization of F&E state caucus leaders. We plan on asking these state leaders to go to their local MSM TV and radio networks in 2016 to ask that they also broadcast our debates.

2. In the summer of 2012 a handful of Gary Johnson supporters were able to get through to 2 companies and 1 organization (Phillips, BBH New York and the YWCA) that had been sponsors of the CPD’s debates and educate them about their debates being closed. We were late on the ball in trying to bring them on as sponsors of our debates in 2012, but we plan on really promoting this approach to our supporters in 2016 in starving the CPD of their sponsorship dollars, and doing all we can to welcome these companies and organizations on as sponsors of our debates. If we can get just one of these companies to sponsor us, it will create an opportunity for a huge national news story.

3. A Liberty TV Network - JAG TV Gateway Drug To Freedom - This is a real game changer and of paramount importance if we are going to challenge the status quo and stand our ground when the pushback comes from the MSM - and it will come -


4. Hosting our debates in LA and NYC. We got lucky with Ora.tv helping us bring Larry King in to moderate our Chicago debate, we weren’t so lucky in DC. While Thom Hartmann is well known, he’s not nearly as big as the names who were interested in moderating our 2nd debate had we been in LA or NYC. Larry King generated incredible amounts of press for us, and we plan on bringing in more names the entire country knows and cameras can’t help but follow to moderate our debates in 2016.

5. Two tiers of sponsors. Our second tier sponsors will expand on the 57 media and organization sponsors we had for our 2012 debates. These sponsors paid nothing, but reported on the debates, a number of them interviewed Christina Tobin and they really helped us spread word of them. Our first tier sponsors are going to be a real game changer - we’re looking to raise at least 20 million dollars, enabling us to then take that money to the major networks to run promotional ads and getting at least one of them to air our debates on top of the networks that carried them in 2012. (Al Jazeera, RT America, CSPAN, Link TV, Free Speech TV and Ora.tv all carried our 2012 debates in addition to a large number of alternative media outlets)

6. At least 8 to 10 debates. We’ll start our 2016 debates late spring/early summer, and space them out so that the last one takes place right before the CPD’s debates start. Last year viewers could vote online for their favorites and we plan on expanding that to voting via text message, and one candidate going home after every debate until 2 are left at the last debate. The plan is to create demand for the candidates to be included in the CPD’s debates. If they don’t allow them to debate, the American people will become very aware of the fraud, and we’ll continue hosting debates with our two remaining candidates on the same nights the CPD’s debates are held and at the same time as well as a debate between their VP’s. We’ll ignore them just as they’ve ignored us. We also plan for a reality TV show that will showcase each of the candidates before the first debate airs.

Viva la r3volution!


In Liberty, Zak Carter

General / Re: Liberty Film Projects!
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:01:56 PM »
Awesome, thanks for the heads up Dalebert!

General / Re: Liberty Film Projects!
« on: April 19, 2013, 04:59:36 AM »
Anyone know of other liberty filmmakers I should be aware of?

It's official! The Heritage Foundation will be donating all 9,000 constitutions for the event! We will be updating the event and website today to reflect the new goals!

General / Liberty Film Projects!
« on: April 16, 2013, 06:34:37 AM »
Check this out! - http://thesparkfilm.com/ - I can't wait to see the entire movie!

Christina Heller, who made http://libertopiafilm.com/ is now working on The Spark... "The Spark follows two stories asking the same questions: What does it truly take to fix the world’s problems? What must you sacrifice? What must you endure?"

David Crowley had been making movies since high school, and after joining the service and experiencing our capacity for spreading democracy via two combat tours, David left the military in 2009, and became involved with the liberty movement through film, and is now doing so professionally. His next project “Gray State” is proving to be a vehicle of awakening across party and ideological lines, as this film chronicles what he believes will happen to our country if we don’t start listening to libertarians. David intends to use MSM entertainment to spread the message of liberty.


And David Kirk West of "Buck The System" ... his "aim is to become the premiere film making wing of the burgeoning liberty movement by both thrilling and educating audiences."

One Man's Terrorist Trailer

Want to help our movement grow? Help these young r3volution filmmakers see their projects to the big screen! Want to know how you can help? Ask me!

In Liberty, Zak Carter

I very rarely invite anyone to facebook events, but this one is going to be epic - offline!


My friend Erik Petroni is hosting an amazing event and needs our help!

Bethany Hamilton (famous surfer) will be leading Lt. Brad Snyder (who lost his vision in Afghanistan in 2011 and is a 2012 Paralympics gold medal winner) through this racecourse - http://neverquitnever.com/ - and liberty is going to be represented in a major way during this fitness and inspiration expo that had over 7,000 participants last year (this is the 5th year of this event) just for the race alone!

Remember the Super Brochure? The one that went out by the tens of thousands and changed hearts and minds, the one that woke up uncountable numbers of people to the message of Ron Paul and the concept of Liberty? Erik Petroni was one half of the duo behind that project and now needs our help in more ways than one!

Link to www.neverquitliberty.com to make sure all goals are met...

Our goal is to raise $20, 000 to get these items at the largest beach race in the world: http://neverquitnever.com/
- Put a copy of the Constitution in every race participant's bag
- Land a major Liberty figure to speak at his event
- Rent a booth for a Liberty organization
- Put Liberty in the face of everyone who has ever heard of this event

This event is endorsed by:
- Ben Swann
- Doug Wead
- Mark Edge, host of Free Talk Live
- Justin Machacek, CEO, American Liberty Association
- Ron Noyes, Ron Paul 2012 National Delegate
- Zak Carter (yeah, me, why not right?;p – I hope You endorse it too!)

Please pitch in if you can, and I hope to see you there in Jacksonville, FL this coming May 17-19!

In Liberty, Zak Carter

General / Ben Swann wants your input as to his next career move!
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:23:47 PM »
Ben Swann Leaving Fox 19 Announcement Video (Make Your Voice Heard!)

Ben Swann Leaving Fox 19 Announcement (Make Your Voice Heard)


Viva la media r3volution Mr. Swann!

I'm going to have a very awesome friend who works in PR - turn this into a press release and blast it out to over 200k journalists/media outlets/broadcasters/networks/talk show hosts. The media needs to know these people are out there and that they should be talking to them - the timing is perfect for this!

If an awesome patriot(s) would like to help me fund this getting out there and getting these amazing people and their organizations/projects more exposure, please contact me!

Meet the Libertarian Activists Behind the Scenes in the GOP Uprising

Justin Machacek is an Emmy award winning television producer, independent faith-based filmmaker, and promotional creative. He serves as the president of Reel Deal Productions, Inc. in Fort Worth, Texas and as the Senior On Air Producer for one of the largest Christian television networks in the world. Justin has worked closely with many of the most prominent Christian ministries and faith-based media organizations in America. He was also a spokesman for Evangelicals for Ron Paul 2012 and now, along with Pastor Brian Jacobs, (Pastor Jacobs worked closely with Rev. Billy Graham in the past and introduced him to President George W. Bush during the 2000 election, and later served as spokesman of Christians for Ron Paul 2012) together they head up the newly formed American Liberty Association.


Robin Koerner is a British permanent resident of the USA and founder of watchingamerica.com, a website dedicated to providing articles translated into English written about the U.S. by foreigners with the goal of helping to raise level of debate, open minds, and promote understanding among the people of the world. Robin, with his global perspective on things here in America, has become increasing concerned with what he sees as an unnecessary and false left/right divide that needs to be redefined for the times we find ourselves living in, and has come up with out of the box ways to help us get there. When Rand Paul said this “We’ve got to appeal to younger voters, the West Coast, people who view Republicans as in league with crony capitalists and the wealthy, and those who are suspicious of endless foreign interventions, otherwise, we are going to become a niche product for red states.” Robin Koerner was there with a movement to help make it happen -


Aaron Boone and Anthony Astolfi are credited with being the activists that started the “Draft Rand Paul for Senate” campaign back in 2008, and Senator Rand Paul said it best when he called them “young political hacks from California." They’ve wasted no time drafting him for a presidential campaign in 2016.


Curt Schultz and Eric Petroni helped redefine what effective grassroots political campaigning looked like when they launched their “Super Brochure” project - Ron Paul Super Brochure Showcased on MSNBC! Politico: "People read this stuff!" - last year and mailed hundreds of thousands of brochures independently of the campaign they were supporting. This year Curt and Eric have supporting the 2nd Amendment in their sights, as they look to again help sway the national conversation with their brochures.


John Ramsey and Preston Bates were behind the most effective conservative Super Pac of 2012, hands down - 9 out of the 10 republican candidates they supported won their elections – contrast that to Karl Roves less than 2% success rate last year and it really seems that it should be John and Preston offering advice on Fox News and not Mr. Rove. Liberty for All was formed to accomplish a single goal: “to put America back on track by helping to elect candidates who understand that limited government is the basis of security, prosperity and peace” – and you might really want to know what these guys have in store for 2014 and 2016.


Bryce Shonka (former deputy director of the 10th Amendment Center) has been behind some very ambitious national projects in the past, and hopes to take things to a new level in inspiring local action all across the country with the event he is working on now - a conference that brings people together from across the political spectrum with a focus on real world solutions that Washington State can bring about to scale back the entity that President Eisenhower warned us about – the Military Industrial Complex.


David Crowley had been making movies since high school, and after joining the service and experiencing our capacity for spreading democracy via two combat tours, David left the military in 2009, and became involved with the liberty movement through film, and is now doing so professionally. His next project “Gray State” is proving to be a vehicle of awakening across party and ideological lines, as this film chronicles what he believes will happen to our country if we don’t start listening to libertarians. David intends to use MSM entertainment to spread the message of liberty.


Dave Nalle is the national chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, the leading organization promoting a pro-liberty philosophy within the Republican Party. The RLC has been advocating libertarians to work within the GOP since it was founded in 1991, and has recently experienced an explosion in growth and support.


Am I missing something I should be promoting via this release?! And thank you to any and all who help make this happen!

In Liberty, Zak Carter

General / Freedom In Our Lifetime?
« on: March 15, 2013, 11:03:37 AM »
Freedom in our lifetime won’t just come from advocates of liberty in the political realms like Gary Johnson, Ron and Rand Paul, Justin Amash, Rupert Boneham,  Tisha Casida and Thomas Massie.  But freedom in our lifetime needs these politicians and candidates to keep going, and we need to keep supporting them.   Liberty for All was hands down the most effective liberty pac last year, and they have even bigger plans moving forward, so please support them and help them carry on the fight in the political realms.    http://pacliberty.com/

Freedom in our lifetime won’t just come from the entrepreneurs amongst us who shatter the status quo, like Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed  - DEFCAD.com - But freedom in our lifetime needs entrepreneurs to keep pushing the limits of what is possible, and to do that they need the support of us who want to see their vision become reality.  You can support Cody and his paradigm shift @  http://www.defcad.com/ 

Freedom in our lifetime won’t just come from the liberty media personalities like Mark and Ian, Ben Swann, Julie Borowski, Josh Tolley, TMOT, Amber Lyon, Tom Mullen and Robin Koerner.   But freedom in our lifetime needs voices like theirs to reach as wide an audience as possible, so please promote them in any way you can, from sharing their content with your friends and family to letting your radio station, newspaper, and even the television network you watch that you want more freedom voices like theirs being heard.

 http://benswann.com/ - http://www.youtube.com/user/TokenLibertarianGirl - http://www.joshtolley.com/ -http://www.youtube.com/user/tmotofga - http://www.muckraker.com/ - http://www.tommullen.net/ https://www.facebook.com/bluerepublican

Freedom in our lifetime won’t just come from a shift in pop culture, via artists like Tatiana Moroz, Jordan Page, J.d. Nero, The Industry and Golden State and movies like The Gray State.  But freedom in our lifetime needs their message and that of other liberty advocates heard on every radio and seen on every stage and screen.  Let your radio station know you want to hear them, and keep them going and download their music.   (and help see the Gray State movie through to production and to the big screen)

http://tatianamoroz.com/ - http://www.jordanpagemusic.com/ - http://www.youtube.com/user/JDNer0 - http://theindustry.us/about-us/ - http://iamgoldenstate.com/   - http://www.youtube.com/user/GrayStateMovie

Freedom in our lifetime won’t just come from promoting others who are advancing the liberty message, freedom in our lifetime also requires you to spread it yourself. The guys at - http://www.superbrochure.com/ - have great new material for you to share with your anti-freedom neighbor, but make your own too, and even when you don’t have a brochure or other material to share – your friends, family and neighbors hearing the liberty message directly from Your lips (ie get local and involved in your city/town - such as Bryce Shonka's latest project http://seattleactivist.org/) is the most effective way for it to spread.

Freedom in our lifetime depends on all of us, and I’m more hopeful now than I ever have been that we’ll see our dream become reality.

Viva la r3volution!

General / A Veterans Case For Ron Paul - Video
« on: February 06, 2012, 03:00:00 PM »

Presidents Day Veterans March on the White House

Yours truly:)  Please thank me for my service by watching and sharing it – We march on February 20th - I hope to see you there!

It's all good!:)

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