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Messages - Delphi

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The Show / Re: Ron Paul's Chances
« on: May 03, 2012, 11:20:10 PM »
According to the main stream media, Mitt Romney has won. If that is the case why is the GOP still trying their best to screw Ron Paul out of delegates? And failing to do so.

Here is Ben Swan, again, with the real numbers. This is the best reporting when it comes to the delegate numbers. He even shows how Real Clear Politics has been reporting, more truthfully, lying about the delegate numbers.

Reality Check: The Truth About Delegate Numbers In Iowa and Minnesota

The Show / Re: Ron Paul's Chances
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:27:10 PM »

advocating a weak defense policy, standing up for Iran

Oh, I forgot. By the above quote you mean you want to continue to bomb innocent people around the world, like these:

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today : Rick Steves

I wouldn't call that a strong defense, I would call that imperialistic murder.

The Show / Re: Ron Paul's Chances
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:48:31 PM »

Wrong. I was going to correct you, but quickmike beat me to it.

As far as who can win, again you have been drinking from the wrong koolaid fountain.

Here is an explanation as to who is winning the delegates game and why the mainstream media is full of horse shit when it comes to Romney being ahead (or how Ron Paul is actually not in last place, but actually second, as will be for the first round of voting during the Convention).

Reality Check - The Real Republican Delegate Numbers
Reality Check - The Real Republican Delegate Numbers

Notice overall how a second round of voting means hard delegates will be able to vote their conscience (many of these hard delegates will actually love to vote for another candidate instead of the one being shoved down their throats). (Clarification: if it ever gets to a second round, which I highly doubt, but the possibility exists.)

Also, notice that a majority of the 197 unbound delegates, who will vote on the first round are are actually Ron Paul supporters.

So Romney is not ahead with over 400 delegates as the mainstream media will have you believe.

General / Re: Student debt hits One Trillion Dollars
« on: November 08, 2011, 04:02:03 PM »
I believe Peter Schiff was going on and on about Obama's IBR program. I believe it is this one:

There are also some good opportunities out to consolidate government backed student loans at low rates or apply for a special Income Based Repayment (IBR) program. It won’t forgive your debt but it can lower your payments. You can use the IBR online calculator to see if you are eligible.

Monthly payments in the IBR program will be capped at 15 percent of monthly discretionary income. After 25 years of consistent payments, any remaining debt is forgiven. Hey, it’s only 25 years.

Those who can qualify will never have to repay the loans in full.

General / Re: What the hell are cops thaught in police academies?
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:03:31 PM »
....smoking a joint in his car so you initiate a high-speed car chase. Absolute insanity if you ask me.

LOL! That is insane.

Just goes to show the system we all have to live with everywhere.

General / Re: What the hell are cops thought in police academies?
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:57:39 PM »
The people that have empathy have been slowly filtered out from law enforcement for quite some time now. You can't build a empire with soldiers who question illegal orders.

Thanks, I corrected that typo and another one.

Yes, it would seem so. That's what I get time and time again, where is the brain capacity of police officers? From what it seems it's a problem everywhere.

I am trying to find info on what the cases against these prisoners were. I just heard that one of them got a 15-year prison sentence for arms violations. The press is doing such a bad job reporting, as always, that I just can't take any of them serious at this point. I heard one guy was going back to his jail cell waiting for $100 that a family member was going to bring to have him bailed, a 10% down. I think he was going back over pissing the judge off and getting a contempt charge. I am just trying to understand why the officers were so reluctant to unshackle these prisoners from the van. They don't have to uncuff them to get them out of the van, do they? Just from the van?

I see problems with the FoxNews article as well, I have heard from the two rescuers and their account about how they got the officers out of the van differs from what the FoxNews article states.

General / Re: What the hell are cops thought in police academies?
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:44:18 PM »
"The inmates who died faced charges ranging from robbery to drug possession. Some had been arrested as recently as last week, Gonzalez said."


At least FoxNews has picked-up the story. Too many conflicting stories about what the inmates were charged for. Drug possession and stealing according to this report. OK, no murderers or rapists, yet. So, again the question is "why were these officers so worried that these inmates would flee?" I guess drug-possession and robery is an immediate threat to the public.  :shock:

You can't expect commonsense from the droid squad.

General / Re: Here we go again...the boogie man
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:36:39 PM »
An "existential threat" is when you are being seen as a dope, a sheeple, and the gov. wants to mesmerize you with smoke and mirrors.

That's the definition of "existential threat" in this context; you know, like a magician's hand.

General / What the hell are cops thaught in police academies?
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:10:19 PM »
What the hell are cops thaught in police academies?

I can only guess by their continuous behavior that they are thought to:

1) Screw the people, shoot first and ask questions later.

2) You are a chicken shit, so you have the right to shoot first and ask questions later.

3) You are a robot, so dispense with commonsense. We will do the rest and lie to help you out, within the crummy laws and regulations we helped pass.

Another police incidence where two negligent officers from the Dept. of Corrections tried to cross a river, in a van with 10 prisoners, that overflowed its banks and the end result was 8 out of 10 prisoners dead due to their negligence. Of course, there were people and the prisoners themselves pleading with these dickwads not to try and cross.

As always, commonsense means little to a police/corrections officer. Two young men actually risked their lives and jumped into the river and managed, with all the strength they could muster, to open the doors for the officers and rescued them. When they then asked the officers for the keys to open the van, they were denied the keys! When they and the people that had already gathered at the banks of the river screamed as well, the officer then decided to open the back doors to the van, but "in his [chicken shit] nervous state", as told by one of the rescuers, he dropped the keys into the river! The rescuers couldn't believe what had happened, the officers, as always, just stood there nervous! (You know, like they always do when a partner of their's either beats someone to within inches of death or kills them). These two guys tried breaking windows to get to the prisoners and then managed with help from other neighbors to create an opening in the steel frame of the van and pulled out two of the prisoners, but they couldn't rescue the others, they were cut and so was one of the prisoners with the sharp steel edges surrounding the opening. Not that it was going to matter, the prisoners were chained all around and to the van, there was no more time.

Why weren't the prisoners gotten to fast enough? Because the officers kept saying they didn't want them to escape! One of the rescuers kept pleading and saying "better that then dead! You can always find them later!" But who was going to escape? The prisoners that they manged to rescue where almost dead! You would think these prisoners were rapists and murderers and that most of the prisoners were convicts. Not a chance. They were fathers who were victims of the system for not providing for their children, even though jobs are even scarcer here on the island! These guys were innocent until proven guilty but they were nowhere near a trial, just preliminary shit. I believe from the accounts I have read and listening to the rescuers in interviews that the worst prisoners in the van were there for stealing.

There is a ton of video and I believe that cops tried to strip all the people there of their videos but they gathered at one of the rescuers house after the incident and didn't give up the videos (this was yesterday). They are now starting to circulate thru the local mainstream media but I haven't found any on Youtube. I hope they make copies because the rest of the shit-heads we have for cops will descend on them like locusts to force them to provide the videos.

In my view they should make copies and make them available as soon as they can.

Here's a video of one of the rescuers telling reporters what happened and what the officers did and then you have a bureaucrat giving excuses (it's in Spanish):


Latest article on the tragedy:


Old news or not this is something that will always haunt him everytime he runs for president. So get ready for the smear campaign headed by the publication of these newsletters.

In the end, these are a big reason why he doesn't win, followed by the other charges of him being a "radical" out to lunch.

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