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Tell us about your loss of cannabis virginity.

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John Shaw:
*Slavering creepy voice*

Tell me about your first time sweeties...

What was it like? How did you feel? What were the circumstances? How old were you?

It was my 30th birthday (see user name). One of my co-workers smoked in her car every day at lunch (no idea why she told me) & she found out that I'd never imbibed. On my birthday, she showed up at my house with some weed and rolled a joint for me. I was a little nervous so she suggested smoking it in her car. I got nothing, because I can't fucking inhale. I didn't try again for 10 years.

I'm one of those people that didn't get high the first time. I inhaled lots of it too.
It might have been because I was doing it in front of others and I had anxiety that made my brain protect itself.

Halloween party when I was 18 or 19 years old. Didn't do much. Made me sleepy.

Felt great when I woke up in the morning though, really well rested, so maybe it calmed down much of my normal nighttime restlessness?

14 or 15 years old- behind a church with some friends. Smoked a ton through high school, somehow my parents never really knew.  I don't smoke now, no good reason as to why I don't I just don't.


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