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Free Talk Live => Guns, Drugs, and Crazy Independence Stuff => Topic started by: Bill Brasky on March 03, 2012, 07:35:26 AM

Title: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 03, 2012, 07:35:26 AM
It amuses me that theres only a few (one or two) legal growers who can, or will, discuss their medically approved growing situations.  

This is where they should do it.

I'm probably not gonna moderate this thread, but I might - occasionally delete a comment.  Just to keep people safe.

If anyone wants a person removed, PM me.  I will oblige their privacy, no need for argument.

--to get things started, post bud porn.

This is Pineapple Kush.  Its just a normal-sized bud, but it will absolutely wreck your head.    Enjoy.


Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 07, 2012, 08:37:19 PM
Jersey has signed into law MM, but the requirements are pretty serious.  Growing is forbidden, I believe, and only card-holders can get MM from state-approved dispensaries. 

I foresee this happening to become the "east coast" way, as opposed to the Western liberal methods.

To my knowledge, the furthest East that has any reasonable laws is Michigan.

I don't find it amusing, per se, but it intrigues me that we have very few legal cardholders on this forum.  I guess when people are relatively satisfied with their one biggest gripe, they don't get their hackles up.

Nevada's laws are somewhat difficult, too, from what I reckon.  It takes a while to get your card, and the reasons are pretty cut-and-dried.  You have to have a wasting disease, or some other bad shit.  You can petition if you're not approved, and the number of plants is low. 

I know my back and insomnia could get me a card in Cali, but they don't give a hoot about that in the East Coast requirements.

Its funny how in one place, you're considered a legitimate candidate, and in others, you're not.

In any case, heres bud porn #2, "Auto Blueberry"  - these require almost no skill whatsoever..  Auto-flowering plants do their thing regardless of photo-periods, but they don't produce as much weight. 

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 07, 2012, 09:55:01 PM
Interesting.  I know that Maine is MM, but I thought they had more stringent requirements. 

Like you, yourself said, getting a grow tag is damn near impossible.

If they have affirmative defense, you still have to be arrested for that to take action. 

Where do Maine MM's get their weed?
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 07, 2012, 10:06:59 PM
Reading some stuff on Maine now. 

Seems like they rolled back a bunch of complicated shit.

If it wasn't so fucking inhospitable, I might be interested.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 07, 2012, 10:39:43 PM

Learn about Maine laws.

You haven't have to register with the state since last summer. Just a doctors note. IIRC, the only other state like that is Cali.

Voluntary until Dec. 31, 2010
"Patients using marijuana under the old informal system will have their 'affirmative defense' expire on that date. Thereafter, they will need a patient card issued in Maine." (Aug. 19, 2010 email from Maine's Division of Licensing and Regulatory Services)

Someone's got their wires crossed.  Not meaning you.  But there is a paradoxical thing between "not required" and "required after 12/31/10"

I'd definitely want to talk to a NORML lawyer if I got myself involved in any way, and thought I was legal.

That's from PROCON, by the way.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 11, 2012, 05:11:31 AM

So, its not like Cali at all. 

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 15, 2012, 03:04:31 AM

The part that's NOT like more Western states is, its cold, and I don't trust rednecks to follow the rules. 

I like the leniency they purport, but I could see it turning to shit on someone - just the numbers game.  Theres no population.  They have all day long to dig up your ass, and it's a good excuse to fuck with your kids and house and guns and finances. 

To be completely honest, I hardly consider Maine a state.  Which is probably a good thing.  But I'd rather they had that attitude in Louisiana.  Then I'd be interested.

The reason I consider Michigan to be the most Easterly supportive state is because of the progressive attitude of Ann Arbor.  Its like an island inside an island.  But alas, also cold.

Everything East of that is basically jerking around. 


Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Fred on March 15, 2012, 05:56:56 PM
All hail fucking California!
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Turd Ferguson on March 15, 2012, 06:39:40 PM
All hail fucking California!

You can go right ahead and fuck California.

Its too big.

I'll fuck New Mexico. Much more manageable.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: BonerJoe on March 15, 2012, 06:45:34 PM
Utah has a nice, tight hole.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 18, 2012, 08:37:25 PM
Well, lets take Maryland, for example.  They have MM on the books.  Now, try to find a doctor to recommend it.

Same with Jersey.

And, both have pretty tight grasp on the distribution/dispensary chain.

The fact remains, the East is, by and large, tight-assed.  You found an exception, great.  Laws can be repealed, you know...  Put Santorum in office, we may get to see it in action. 

Also, while that may be true about Michigan, look up the rules about Ann Arbor.  They have their own spin on the law(s).

Now, talking about population, I've found that low population is not always a good thing.  It depends on the circumstances.  Sometimes you're left alone, sometimes you're singled out. 

Every situation is different.

As far as cold goes, its a big problem for me.  I don't like it.  I don't like any climate where exposure can kill you, and burning umpteen-million BTU's is a necessity.  I don't particularly care how "free" the rest of the society is; in a SHTF scenario, you're fuckin' dead if you need to acquire combustible energy, and thats a fact.  Poor planning and a harsh price for a fuckin' buzz.  Places where the grid fails easily and has old infrastructure engineering tends to go down more frequently, which is just inconvenient.

As far as I'm concerned, that's just Maine's way of attracting people to stay. 

If I was interested in a cold(ish) region, I'd opt for Oregon.  And, in fact, I just might.  At least theres things to do. 

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Sovereign Curtis on March 19, 2012, 10:12:16 PM

As far as cold goes, its a big problem for me.  I don't like it.  I don't like any climate where exposure can kill you, and burning umpteen-million BTU's is a necessity.  I don't particularly care how "free" the rest of the society is; in a SHTF scenario, you're fuckin' dead if you need to acquire combustible energy, and thats a fact.  Poor planning and a harsh price for a fuckin' buzz.  Places where the grid fails easily and has old infrastructure engineering tends to go down more frequently, which is just inconvenient.

Fuel grows on trees, up here.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 20, 2012, 09:47:38 PM

As far as cold goes, its a big problem for me.  I don't like it.  I don't like any climate where exposure can kill you, and burning umpteen-million BTU's is a necessity.  I don't particularly care how "free" the rest of the society is; in a SHTF scenario, you're fuckin' dead if you need to acquire combustible energy, and thats a fact.  Poor planning and a harsh price for a fuckin' buzz.  Places where the grid fails easily and has old infrastructure engineering tends to go down more frequently, which is just inconvenient.

Fuel grows on trees, up here.

Ya, it does.  I'm pretty familiar with the ways and means.  Growing up, lots of friends used wood.  I've stacked more cordwood than I care to remember, helping my pals do their chores.  And I know one thing, it can't be done with a broken limb very easily. 

If you are familiar with the term "heating degree days", you will understand the climatology of your location dictates a mean-average of 20 heating-degree days over a 365 day year, which is arrived at by taking 7600/365 =20, minused from room temp of 65, means the average hourly temp all-told is 45 degrees.


Now..  a total added score of 7600 is fairly severe.  This is a substantial amount of heating required to maintain comfort.

I would rather be in a climate where the HDD mean was approaching zero, meaning I didn't have to burn any BTU's to maintain comfort, or for that matter, survival.  At the very least, neglecting this can cause pipes to burst if the entire house is not warmed above freezing.  Worst case is obviously death by hypothermia.  Of course, in a rental unit, if you have no wood burner, you die. 

Ideally, in a more tropical location, the comfort factor works in the opposite, where you have cooling degree days, meaning the average is above 65.  Then you can just use a one-room AC if you prefer it to be a little more comfortable.  Or, just sweat it out.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Turd Ferguson on March 21, 2012, 12:50:53 PM
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 22, 2012, 03:44:20 AM

Ideally, you'd want to be somewhere along the northern green area (lower map).  38th parallel, or thereabouts.  Notice how all the Southern states northern borders divide along the 37ish longitude.  Theres a reason for that, and I didn't invent maps. 


Heres the climatological breakdown according to the Kloppen scale.  I didn't invent that, either.


The reason is, it might get cold, but it usually doesn't experience severe cold winters.  Even boat people follow these guides, to distinguish where it's climatologically reasonable to live-aboard a boat.  Ice might occur, but it doesn't get super-thick.  It can be avoided with bubbler systems under a boat or dock.  This translates to soil, as well.  It'll freeze, but you don't have to dig deep to get below the frost line.

In these areas, its potentially "better" for harvesting solar power, because of all the sunlight hours added up.  It doesn't get so fuckin grey that solar panels are unfeasible for long periods.

Yes, you may have to burn some wood, at times.  But its all a matter of how much. 

The dark blue is completely inhospitable, in my opinion.  And those lines aren't exactly cut in stone, the area where dark blue and light blue meet aren't a breakout area where everything becomes golden.

I would rather err on the side of caution, and be comfortable in a climate that supports mild winters.    Its not necessarily true that the snakes and bugs are bigger.  I have big snakes here, and we get some damn cold winters.

Now!  How does this translate to growing pot?  Well, it kinda does.  I don't want to have to work especially hard to ensure my survival, and I don't want to work especially hard to ensure the survival of outdoor plants, either.

Marijuana can, and is, grown in northern climates.  Lots of people do it.  But it grows better in more favorable climates.  They get better sunlight, longer summers, and outdoors, severe unexpected snap-frosts can kill plants of any kind. 

Ideally, I would want to have land and climate at my disposal that would grow whatever I want.  Outdoor pot requires a longish growing period, with a really good mid-growth period.  Any plant requires a flowering period that allows the gardener to harvest properly.  Everybody knows it's better to grow "harvest" plants in a climate that has tropical qualities, where your season isn't squished into a delicate balance and calendar deadlines. 

I suppose those personal requirements don't exactly fall into the "legal" part of this thread, exactly.  But they're not entirely pointless concerns, either.  I have a personal preference, and would like to grow outdoors, legally.  Without using power and expensive equipment, that's how I'd like to produce any shit I personally consume.

It disappoints me that in that "green zone", there are no legal states where I could live my life the way I want.  I don't want to sacrifice all my other personal desires just because of where I can legally grow dope.  I think it's pretty shitty thats how my personal choices checkmate themselves.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Turd Ferguson on March 22, 2012, 11:00:47 AM
Nobody has mentioned one of the smaller Hawaiian islands. Perfect for growing all year round. Also, you can get land "relatively" cheap there as well if you dont mind not having mail delivery, power and other utilities. You can get property inland with no neighbors as far as the eye can see, with fertile soil and vegetation for around 20k/acre, which doesn't seem cheap off hand, but bullshit wooded land right here in central IL goes for more than that, if you can find it. I did a bit of research on that "5k/acre" stuff I've seen in real estate brochures. Turns out its mostly inhabitable due to the land under your feet being little more than lava flow with maybe 3 inches of top soil, if you're lucky. This type of property attracts people living in school buses and broken down RVs, so say the natives, so I'd steer clear.

Just make sure you stay away from the volcanoes when making your land selection. Pele can be a heartless cunt when she wants to.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on March 28, 2012, 04:27:52 AM
I read some horror stories about people going to Hawaii and having a shit-assed time.  Cost of living is terrible. 

I don't like to stress over money.  I find my life to be much more sedate if I can just magically whip up a few hundo's and chill.

Plus, I don't like to be at the mercy of airlines.

However, their laws are reasonable.  Probly a lot of cool doctors there.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on April 11, 2012, 12:02:14 AM

12 Acres Laytonville (
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Cognitive Dissident on April 11, 2012, 01:58:26 AM
With regard to that map with the "green zone," it grows nicely at 40 degrees and 6000 feet, but it drinks a lot of water in July and August, and it freezes a bit early.  I think maybe a smudge pot would work, or a greenhouse.  I got all excited about a greenhouse, then the high winds came by at just the right time to make me stop thinking about it--didn't just destroy my TV antenna, actually BENT THE MAST too.  So I decided I didn't want to put up a half-assed greenhouse, and I never wanted to do something serious.  I was thinking about         some pvc arches with semitransparent material draped over, the spring and late autumn.  Of course, a cold frame would do in autumn.  Never thought about it before, but I'm wondering how a dugout greenhouse would work.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Turd Ferguson on April 11, 2012, 09:33:33 PM

12 Acres Laytonville (

A bit pricey for me alone.

Wanna go splitsies? It'd be a good bug-out location. We could put duct tape on the ground to draw property lines, or hang sheets on a clothes line between trees. I call the creek side. I sell you buckets of water for good numbah-wan deal!! Almost nothing!
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on April 11, 2012, 11:56:18 PM
I don't want twelve acres in Humboldt.  I just thought it was interesting to watch.

That shit is for the 99 plant crowd, sixteen ft tall monsters grown in tractor wheels.  Takes 270 days and a fuckload of work.  Good way to get your head blown off.

But it does explain why some people want to genetically clone plants with laboratory methods.

I'd rather just buy a Z from the dope clinic.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Turd Ferguson on April 12, 2012, 01:55:00 AM
It sold for 225k anyway.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on April 12, 2012, 02:28:55 AM
It sold for 225k anyway.

Thats not bad, except for the extra 200k.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Cognitive Dissident on April 23, 2012, 09:11:16 AM
Bought some of this Saturday at the 4/20 celebration in Denver (it was held for three days.)  May help with the problem of transporting sinsemilla genetics.

Tiresias Mist (

     Tiresias Mist® is a new product from Dr. T’s Remedies.  This product, used in conjunction with the directions, allows growers to produce feminized seeds.  Tiresias Mist® is safe, effective, and a reliable alternative to other methods that have disappointing results.  One bottle provides enough solution for one branch that will produce female pollen.  That pollen is then delivered to the flowers of a dioecious plant which in turn produces seeds.  Because only female genetics is involved you will produce only feminized seeds.

     Tiresias Mist® is made of naturally occurring minerals and is non-toxic, non-allergenic and will not cause harm to the user, plants, or pets. At the same time, the stem that is being treated should not be consumed (it will be covered with pollen sacs so that shouldn’t be an issue).  Finally, the most important aspect of using this product:……have fun, get crazy, and start your experimentations. You now have the ability and the freedom to produce your own female seeds and genetics! Enjoy.

For the full directions on how to use this product, please visit (


- Always female seeds….No more guessing involved

- No more waiting weeks for overseas deliveries

- A tap root from a seed will produce higher yields

- Store seeds for future use and crop timing

- Easier to transport seeds versus seedlings or clones

- Become your own mad scientist by creating your own genetic strains

- Allows you to save your strain!
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on April 24, 2012, 01:19:55 AM
Thats neat. 
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: talkativeshut on September 08, 2012, 04:48:34 AM
It already makes me high just seeing those pots' pictures. But yeah there really are legal pot that would be used for medical purposes and I for one am a witness to that
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on October 02, 2012, 05:42:46 AM
It already makes me high just seeing those pots' pictures. But yeah there really are legal pot that would be used for medical purposes and I for one am a witness to that

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Cognitive Dissident on October 02, 2012, 05:01:11 PM
I'm bummed because my mother plants hermied on me. WTF? Maybe one or two didn't. Not sure. I didn't want/need most of them anyway, but if I can save the Blueberry and the Super Silver Haze, I will. Thinking about just starting over from imported seed anyway.

Anyone got any favorite vendors? Would/could do it by bitcoin, for the right strain(s), which would be better than trying to send cash.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Bill Brasky on October 07, 2012, 12:19:08 AM

Get more clones.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Cognitive Dissident on October 07, 2012, 04:50:01 PM
Check. A guy I gave some clones to will have some for me if I need them. Meanwhile, looks like some of them are going to be okay. Three of them got the axe, but we'll see if the others make it.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: dalebert on October 07, 2012, 06:45:49 PM
I hope you're posting all this with TOR.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Cognitive Dissident on October 07, 2012, 08:33:15 PM
Naw. The feds aren't interested in me, and the locals are instructed to leave me alone.
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: blackie on June 01, 2015, 01:34:39 PM
I know my back and insomnia could get me a card in Cali, but they don't give a hoot about that in the East Coast requirements.
Anyone who wants a card in Maine can get one. Worst case it takes 6 months.

There are even walk in clinics now.

To my knowledge, the furthest East that has any reasonable laws is Michigan.

This is East Coast Sour Diesel...26% THC. It will bust a nut in your eye.

Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: Diogenes The Cynic on June 01, 2015, 04:13:11 PM
Blackie, where can I get seeds for it?
Title: Re: Legal pot growers, talking about legal pot
Post by: blackie on June 01, 2015, 04:17:01 PM
I still have three. If you are a mmj patient visiting Maine, I could donate them to you.

It is on the expensive side. $150 for 6 feminized seeds shipped.